ethz_snow package¶
ethz_snow.constants module¶
Calculate derived constants and shortcut definitions.
- ethz_snow.constants.calculateDerived(fpath: Optional[str] = None) dict [source]¶
Compute the constants needed for Snowflake. Derive where needed.
- Parameters
fpath (Optional[str], optional) – The filepath of the custom config file. Defaults to None.
- Raises
NotImplementedError – Vial geometry is not cubic.
- Returns
A dictionary of constants.
- Return type
ethz_snow.operatingConditions module¶
Implement OperatingConditions class.
This module contains the OperatingConditions class used to store information regarding the operating conditions in freezing processes.
- class ethz_snow.operatingConditions.OperatingConditions(t_tot: float = 20000.0, cooling: dict = {'end': - 50, 'rate': 0.008333333333333333, 'start': 20}, holding: Optional[Union[Iterable[dict], dict]] = None, cnTemp: Union[float, int] = None)[source]¶
A class to handle a single Stochastic Nucleation of Water simulation.
More information regarding the equations and their derivation can be found in “Stochastic shelf-scale modeling framework for the freezing stage in freeze-drying processes”, Deck, Ochsenbein, and Mazzotti (2022), Int J Pharm, 613, 121276,
- Parameters
- property cnt: float¶
Return the time when controlled nucleation should trigger.
- Raises
NotImplementedError – If holding is not defined don’t know how to calculate cnt.
- Returns
- The time of controlled nucleation
(inf if no controlled nucleation applied).
- Return type
ethz_snow.snowfall module¶
Implement Snowfall class.
This module contains the Snowfall class used to run repeated (!) simulations of water nucleation in vials. It makes use of class Snowflake for the individual simulations.
- class ethz_snow.snowfall.Snowfall(Nrep: int = 5, pool_size: int = None, **kwargs)[source]¶
A class to handle multiple Stochastic Nucleation of Water simulation.
More information regarding the equations and their derivation can be found in “Stochastic shelf-scale modeling framework for the freezing stage in freeze-drying processes”, Deck, Ochsenbein, and Mazzotti (2022), Int J Pharm, 613, 121276, as well as in the Snowflake class documentation.
- Parameters
- nucleationTemperatures(group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all', seed: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None) ndarray [source]¶
Return nucleation temperatures.
- nucleationTimes(group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all', seed: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None) ndarray [source]¶
Return nucleation times.
- plot(what: str = 't_nucleation', kind: str = 'box', seed: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all')[source]¶
Create plots for Snowfall object.
- Parameters
kind (str, optional) – Any sns.catplot ‘kind’ input is allowed. Defaults to “box”.
what (str, optional) – What to plot, i.e., keys of the stats dict. Valid options are t_nucleation, T_nucleation, t_solidification. Defaults to “t_nucleation”.
seed (Union[int, Sequence[int], None], optional) – Seed(s) to return. Defaults to None.
group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional) – Subgroup to return. Defaults to “all”.
- run(how='async')[source]¶
Run all the Snowflake simulations.
- Parameters
how (str, optional) – How to perform runs. Valid options are ‘async’, ‘sync’, and ‘sequential’ (no parallelization). Defaults to “async”.
- property simulationStatus: int¶
Return simulation status of instance.
- Returns
Simulation status. 0 = not run, 1 = run.
- Return type
- solidificationTimes(group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all', seed: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None) ndarray [source]¶
Return solidification times.
- to_frame() DataFrame [source]¶
Save statistics as pandas dataframe.
- Raises
ValueError – Simulation needs to run first.
- Returns
The statistics in long form.
- Return type
ethz_snow.snowflake module¶
Implement Snowflake class.
This module contains the Snowflake class used to run simulations of water nucleation in vials.
- class ethz_snow.snowflake.Snowflake(k: dict = {'ext': 20, 'int': 20, 's0': 20, 's_sigma_rel': 0.1}, N_vials: ~typing.Tuple[int, int, int] = (7, 7, 1), initialStates: ~typing.Optional[dict] = {'sigma': None, 'temp': None}, storeStates: ~typing.Optional[~typing.Union[str, ~typing.Sequence[str], ~typing.Sequence[int]]] = None, solidificationThreshold: float = 0.9, dt: float = 2, seed: int = 2021, opcond: ~ethz_snow.operatingConditions.OperatingConditions = OperatingConditions([t_tot: 20000.0, Cooling: 20 to -50 with rate 0.01, No Holds, Controlled Nucleation: OFF, configPath: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, initIce: str = 'indirect')[source]¶
A class to handle a single Stochastic Nucleation of Water simulation.
More information regarding the equations and their derivation can be found in “Stochastic shelf-scale modeling framework for the freezing stage in freeze-drying processes”, Deck, Ochsenbein, and Mazzotti (2022), Int J Pharm, 613, 121276,
- Parameters
configPath (Optional[str]) – The path of the (optional) custom config yaml.
const (dict) – A dictionary of constants to be used.
dt (float) – Time step.
H_ext (np.ndarray) – External heat transfer vector.
H_int (csr_matrix) – Internal heat transfer matrix.
H_shelf (np.ndarray) – Shelf heat transfer vector.
initIce (str, optional) – Which formulation for the initial amount of ice formed to use (see docs). Can be ‘direct’ or ‘indirect’. Defaults to ‘indirect’.
k (dict) – Heat transfer coefficients.
N_vials (tuple) – Number of vials in each dimension.
N_vials_total (int) – Total number of vials.
opcond (OperatingConditions) – Operating conditions of run.
seed (int) – Seed to be used in rng.
simulationStatus (int) – Status of simulation (0 = not run, 1 = run).
solidificationThreshold (float) – What sigma value constitutes a ‘solid’.
stats (dict) – Run statistics (nucleation time, etc.).
T_k_0 (float) – Initial temperature of vials.
X_sigma (np.ndarray) – Sigma state over time.
X_T (np.ndarray) – Temperature state over time.
- property H_ext: ndarray¶
Return the external heat transfer vector.
- Returns
The external heat transfer vector.
- Return type
- property H_int: csr_matrix¶
Return the internal heat transfer matrix.
- Returns
The internal heat transfer matrix.
- Return type
- property H_shelf: ndarray¶
Return the shelf heat transfer vector.
- Returns
The shelf heat transfer vector.
- Return type
- property X_T: ndarray¶
Get the temperature states.
- Returns
- An array containing the vial temperatures over time.
This is just a slice of _X!
- Return type
- property X_sigma: ndarray¶
Get the sigma states.
- Returns
- An array containing the vial sigmas over time.
This is just a slice of _X!
- Return type
- getVialGroup(group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all') ndarray [source]¶
Return mask for given group.
mask[i] = True iff vial[i] is in G where G can be a list of groups.
- Parameters
group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional) – Subgroup to return. Can be “corner”, “edge”, “side”, “core”, “all”. Defaults to “all”.
- Raises
ValueError – Group is not known.
- Returns
A boolean mask of size (N_vials_tot,).
- Return type
>>> S = Snowflake(N_vials = (2, 2, 1)) >>> S.getVialGroup('corner') array([True, True, True, True])
>>> S.getVialGroup(['edge', 'core']) array([False, False, False, False])
- nucleationTemperatures(group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all', fromStates: bool = False) ndarray [source]¶
Return array of nucleation temperatures.
- nucleationTimes(group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all', fromStates: bool = False) ndarray [source]¶
Return array of nucleation times.
- plot(kind: str = 'box', what: str = 't_nucleation', group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all', context: bool = True)[source]¶
Create plots for Snowflake object.
- Parameters
kind (str, optional) – Type of plot to print. If input is ‘trajectories’ will print temperature or sigma profile. Otherwise will print from stats dict. In that case, any sns.catplot ‘kind’ input is allowed. Defaults to “box”.
what (str, optional) – What to plot. For trajectories valid inputs are sigma or temperature. Otherwise, it’s the keys of the stats dict. I.e., t_nucleation, T_nucleation, t_solidification. Defaults to “temperature”.
group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional) – Subgroup to return. Defaults to “all”.
context (bool, optional) – Whether or not to print additional context in the figure. Mainly used to add shelf temperature.
- property seed: int¶
Get or set the random seed.
Setting the seed value will initialize a new rng under the hood.
- Returns
The seed of the Snowflake.
- Return type
- sigmaCounter(time: Union[Sequence[float], float], threshold: Optional[float] = None, fromStates: bool = False) ndarray [source]¶
Return counter of vials satisfying sigma>threshold at time.
- Parameters
- Raises
ValueError – Simulation needs to be run first.
ValueError – fromStates is False and threshold is neither 0 or self.solidificationThreshold.
- Returns
- Return type
- property simulationStatus: int¶
Return simulation status of instance.
- Returns
Simulation status. 0 = not run, 1 = run.
- Return type
- solidificationTimes(group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = 'all', threshold: Optional[float] = None, fromStates: bool = False) ndarray [source]¶
Return array of solidification times.
- Parameters
group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional) – Subgroup to return. Defaults to “all”.
threshold (Optional[float], optional) – The threshold used to define ‘solidified’. Defaults to self.solidificationThreshold.
fromStates (bool, optional) – Whether or not to calculate from states directly. Defaults to False.
- Returns
The solidification times.
- Return type
- to_frame(n_timeSteps: int = 250) Tuple[DataFrame, Optional[DataFrame]] [source]¶
Save statistics (and states) as pandas dataframe.
- Parameters
n_timeSteps (int, optional) – For states a reduced representation is stored. This defines the number of subsamples. Defaults to 250.
- Raises
ValueError – Simulation needs to run first.
- Returns
- The statistics and if available
the states over time (both in long form).
- Return type
Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional[pd.DataFrame]]
ethz_snow.snowing module¶
Implementation of the SNOWing class.
This module contains the SNOWing class used to run the single vial simulation with spatial information.
- class ethz_snow.snowing.Snowing(k: dict = {'ext': 0, 'int': 0, 's0': 50, 's_sigma_rel': 0}, opcond: ~ethz_snow.operatingConditions.OperatingConditions = OperatingConditions([t_tot: 20000.0, Cooling: 20 to -50 with rate 0.01, No Holds, Controlled Nucleation: OFF, Nrep: int = 1, configPath: ~typing.Optional[str] = None)[source]¶
- A class to handle a single SNOWing (Stochastic Nucleation of Water
with INternal Gradients) simulation.
More information regarding the equations and their derivation can be found in, Deck et al. (2024).
- Parameters
k (dict) – Heat transfer coefficients.
opcond (OperatingConditions) – Operating conditions of the run.
temperature (str) – Model dimensionality.
configuration (str) – Freezing configuration.
plotting (bool) – Whether evolutions are plotted or not.
Nrep (int) – Number of repetitions.
configPath (Optional[str]) – The path of the (optional) custom config yaml.
- property iceMassFraction: ndarray¶
Return ice mass fraction evolution in simulation of instance.
- Returns
Ice mass fraction evolution (no units).
- Return type
- plot_cdf(what: str = 't_nuc', comp: bool = False)[source]¶
Create CDF plots for Snowing object.
- Parameters
what (str, optional) – What to plot, i.e., keys of the stats dict. Valid options are t_nuc, T_nuc, t_sol, t_fr. Defaults to “t_nuc”. Also accepting t_nucleation, T_nucleation and t_solidification.
comp (bool, optional) – If complementary CDF is plotted. Defaults to False.
what – What to plot, i.e., keys of the stats dict. Valid options are t_nuc, T_nuc, t_sol, t_fr. Defaults to “t_nuc”. Also accepting t_nucleation, T_nucleation and t_solidification.
- Raises
NotImplementedError – This plot not available for single vial simulation.
- plot_evolution(what: str = 'temperature')[source]¶
Function to plot the spatial evolution of temperature or ice mass fractions.
- Parameters
what (str, optional) – Quantity to be plotted. Defaults to “temperature”.
- Raises
NotImplementedError – This plotting functionality is only implemented for single simulations (when Nrep = 1), otherwise, an error is raised.
ValueError – Raises error if quantity for plotting is incorrectly specified.
- property results: dict¶
- Return minimum, mean, kinetic mean and maximum nucleation temperature
in simulation of instance.
- Returns
4 values of nucleation temperature (minimum, kinetic mean, mean and maximum). Irrelevant for homogeneous model simulation.
- Return type
- property shelfTemp: ndarray¶
Return shelf temperature evolution in the simulation of instance.
- Returns
Shelf temperature evolution in °C.
- Return type
- property simulationStatus: int¶
Return simulation status of instance.
- Returns
Simulation status. 0 = not run, 1 = run.
- Return type
ethz_snow.utils module¶
- ethz_snow.utils.colormap(z)[source]¶
A function to create a colormap used to plot the time evolutions of temperature and ice mass fractions with respect to vertical positions in the vial.
- Parameters
z (np.ndarray) – Discretized spatial domain in the vertical direction.
- ethz_snow.utils.vapour_flux(kappa, m_water, k_B, p_vac, p_vap, T_l, T_v)[source]¶
A function to compute the water vapour flux at the top surface, which is exposed to vacuum during VISF.
- Parameters
- Returns
Flux of water vapour at the top surface of the frozen or liquid product
- Return type
- ethz_snow.utils.vapour_pressure_liquid(T_liq)[source]¶
A function to compute the water vapour pressure above the liquid product in a vial based on the product surface temperature.
- Parameters
T_liq (np.ndarray) – Liquid product temperature at the surface.
- Returns
Water vapour pressure above the product surface.
- Return type
- ethz_snow.utils.vapour_pressure_solid(T_sol)[source]¶
A function to compute the water vapour pressure above the frozen product in a vial based on the frozen product surface temperature.
- Parameters
T_sol (np.ndarray) – Frozen product temperature at the surface.
- Returns
Water vapour pressure above the product surface.
- Return type