Numerical implementation of the initial amount of ice¶
The modeling framework that forms the basis for the SNOW python package was derived initially by Deck et al. [DOM22b] (version 1.0) for systems comprising vials arranged in two spatial dimensions, and was extended by Deck et al. [DOM22a] (version 1.1) to simulate systems comprising vials arranged in three spatial dimensions.
This section discusses a minor aspect of this modeling framework, namely the numerical implementation of the initial amount of ice formed upon nucleation. The authors realized that there are two different approaches leading to comparable, but not identical results. These methods are named “direct” and “indirect”; the derivation of the original manuscripts leads to the “direct” method, while the “indirect” one requires rearranging the enthalpy balance. This will be discussed in the following.
With respect to numerical implementation, version 1.0 contains the “indirect” method only, while version 1.1 supports both methods.
Model derivation¶
The starting point for these methods are equations \(\ref{eq8_org}\) to \(\ref{eq10_org}\) of the manuscript by Deck et al. [DOM22b]. The relevant equations are:
These equations are based on the total mass of the formulation in a vial. When implementing these equations in the MATLAB and python codes, rescaled version based on the ice fraction \(\sigma_{(m,n)} = \frac{ m_{\mathrm{i},(m,n)}}{m_{\mathrm{w}}}\) were derived:
Equations \(\ref{eq1}\) and \(\ref{eq2}\) form a system of two equations in two unknowns. When inserting
into the enthalpy balance, the following expression is obtained:
Indirect method¶
This method relies on the enthalpy balance (equations \(\ref{eq8_org}\) and \(\ref{eq1}\)) to calculate the amount of ice formed upon nucleation. In line with the overall description of freezing used in the derivation, nucleation is considered to be an adiabatic process. This means it occurs fast enough that the vial does not exchange a relevant amount of heat during nucleation with the environment. At the time of nucleation, the enthalpy balance thus reads
whereby \(Q^{\mathrm{nuc}}_{(m,n)}\) is defined as:
Note that the definition of \(Q^{\mathrm{nuc}}_{(m,n)}\) relies on \(T^{\mathrm{eq}}_{\ell}\), the equilibrium freezing temperature of the solution. This corresponds to the initial state at the onset of nucleation, when no ice is present. \(Q^{\mathrm{nuc}}_{(m,n)}\) thus represents the difference in enthalpy among the supercooled solution and its hypothetical equilibrium state. Since initially no ice is present (i.e. \(\sigma_{(m,n)} = 0\) and \(\Delta \sigma_{(m,n)} = \sigma_{\mathrm{nuc},(m,n)}\)), the balance simplifies to:
Rearranging leads to the final expression for the formed ice:
Direct method¶
The second method relies on the use of equation \(\ref{eq10_org}\) and its rescaled equivalent, equation \(\ref{eq3}\). Again, we insert the expression for the equilibrium freezing temperature to obtain a system dependent only on \(\sigma\):
For the sake of simplicity, we introduce the parameter \(\gamma = (1 - w_{\mathrm{s}}) \frac{\lambda_{\mathrm{w}}}{c_{\mathrm{p}}}\):
Multiplying with \((1 - \sigma_{(m,n)})\) and rearranging yields the following quadratic equation, which may be solved analytically:
Comparison of the two methods¶
For the system studied by Deck et al. [DOM22b] and by Deck et al. [DOM22a], namely a 5 wt.% sucrose solution, the predictions of both methods for the initial amount of formed ice are compared. Figure 1 visualizes the predictions and the relative error between the two methods.
Comparison of the two models. Left: Prediction of the amount of ice formed. Right: Relative error between the two predictions.¶
It is found that for the relevant range of nucleation temperatures, i.e. -10°C to -15°C, the relative error between the predictions is below 0.1%, so that both methods may be considered as equivalent. In a second step, we compare the impact of both methods on the freezing of a complex system. We chose a box of 20x12x3 vials, a system discussed in detail by Deck et al. [DOM22a]. This is shown in Figure 2.
Freezing of a box of vials. Comparison of the two methods to compute the initial amount of ice. (a): Distribution of nucleation temperatures. (b) Distribution of solidification times. (c): Distribution of nucleation times.¶
As can be seen, no relevant difference is observed between the two model predictions. Given that their computational costs are similar and that both are grounded on the same set of model equations, both represent suitable choices for implementation in the model. Thus, both methods are integrated in version 1.1. of the SNOW package.
Numerical validation of SNOW version 1.1¶
Similar to the validation of SNOW version 1.0, the numerical implementation of version 1.1. is also validated by comparison with the earlier MATLAB implementation. We refer the reader to the initial numerical validation document of version 1.0 for a more detailed discussion of the approach.
Here, we present simulation results for pallet freezing, the main application of version 1.1. The model system is a pallet comprising 40x36x18 vials, in line with the systems studied in the pre-print by Deck et al. [DOM22a]. The two most “extreme” storage temperatures are considered here, i.e. -8°C and -40°C to enable a comprehensive comparison. 128 simulations are carried out, a typical number of repetitions used in the manuscript. The run at -8°C was simulated for a total of 6e6 seconds, while the one at -40°C was faster with 1e6 s.
Freezing of a pallet of vials. Comparison of the model predictions obtained from the MATLAB and python implementations. Left: Distribution of nucleation temperatures. Center: Distribution of solidification times. Right: Distribution of nucleation times.¶
Figure 3 shows a close agreement between both implementations, independent of studied storage temperature. This indicates that both implementations may be used interchangeably for freezing simulations.
One notable difference between the two packages, however, lies in their runtime. Thus, the runtimes for the simulation at -8°C were compared. The simulations were carried out on a Dell Optiplex 7070 workstation with 32 GB RAM and Intel Core i9-9900 CPU. 8 parallel workers were employed, resulting in runtimes of 454 min for the MATLAB implementation and 718 min for SNOW version 1.1. Given that the system is embarassingly parallel, the runtime may be reduced considerably by increasing the number of workers. While the python implementation is slower, the difference in runtime is small enough to be not a limiting factor of use.
Leif-Thore Deck, David R. Ochsenbein, and Marco Mazzotti. Stochastic ice nucleation governs the freezing process of biopharmaceuticals in vials. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 625:122051, September 2022. URL:, doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.122051.
Leif-Thore Deck, David R. Ochsenbein, and Marco Mazzotti. Stochastic shelf-scale modeling framework for the freezing stage in freeze-drying processes. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 613:121276, 2022. URL:, doi: