Source code for ethz_snow.snowflake

"""Implement Snowflake class.

This module contains the Snowflake class used to run simulations
of water nucleation in vials.
from ethz_snow.operatingConditions import OperatingConditions
from ethz_snow.constants import calculateDerived

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import warnings

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from typing import List, Tuple, Type, Union, Sequence, Optional

from .__init__ import __citation__, __bibtex__

HEATFLOW_REQUIREDKEYS = ("int", "ext", "s0")
)  # center will be deprecated

[docs]class Snowflake: """A class to handle a single Stochastic Nucleation of Water simulation. More information regarding the equations and their derivation can be found in "Stochastic shelf-scale modeling framework for the freezing stage in freeze-drying processes", Deck, Ochsenbein, and Mazzotti (2022), Int J Pharm, 613, 121276, Parameters: configPath (Optional[str]): The path of the (optional) custom config yaml. const (dict): A dictionary of constants to be used. dt (float): Time step. H_ext (np.ndarray): External heat transfer vector. H_int (csr_matrix): Internal heat transfer matrix. H_shelf (np.ndarray): Shelf heat transfer vector. initIce (str, optional): Which formulation for the initial amount of ice formed to use (see docs). Can be 'direct' or 'indirect'. Defaults to 'indirect'. k (dict): Heat transfer coefficients. N_vials (tuple): Number of vials in each dimension. N_vials_total (int): Total number of vials. opcond (OperatingConditions): Operating conditions of run. seed (int): Seed to be used in rng. simulationStatus (int): Status of simulation (0 = not run, 1 = run). solidificationThreshold (float): What sigma value constitutes a 'solid'. stats (dict): Run statistics (nucleation time, etc.). T_k_0 (float): Initial temperature of vials. X_sigma (np.ndarray): Sigma state over time. X_T (np.ndarray): Temperature state over time. """ def __init__( self, k: dict = {"int": 20, "ext": 20, "s0": 20, "s_sigma_rel": 0.1}, N_vials: Tuple[int, int, int] = ( 7, 7, 1, ), # should this be part of operating conditions? initialStates: Optional[dict] = {"temp": None, "sigma": None}, storeStates: Union[str, Sequence[str], Sequence[int], None] = None, solidificationThreshold: float = 0.9, dt: float = 2, seed: int = 2021, opcond: OperatingConditions = OperatingConditions(), configPath: Optional[str] = None, initIce: str = "indirect", ): """Construct a Snowflake object. Args: k (dict, optional): A dictionary containing the heat transfer coefficients. Must contain keys 'int', 'ext', 's0'. Defaults to {"int": 20, "ext": 20, "s0": 20, "s_sigma_rel": 0.1}. N_vials (Tuple[int, int, int], optional): Number of vials in each dimension. Defaults to ( 7, 7, 1). initialStates (dict): Initial states of the vials (temp and sigma). storeStates (Union[str, Sequence[str], Sequence[int], None]): Whether and for which vials to store states (temp, sigma). Defaults to None -> Nothing stored. solidificationThreshold (float, optional): What sigma value is a 'solid'. Defaults to 0.9. dt (float, optional): Time step size. Defaults to 2. seed (int, optional): Seed to use for rng. Defaults to 2021. opcond (OperatingConditions, optional): Operating conditions to apply. Defaults to OperatingConditions(). configPath (Optional[str], optional): The location of a custom configuration file (in yaml format), used to update/overwrite the default settings. initIce (str, optional): Which formulation for the initial amount of ice formed to use (see docs). Defaults to 'indirect'. Raises: TypeError: If k is not a dict. ValueError: If k does not contain all necessary keys. ValueERror: If len(N_vials) is not 3. TypeError: If opcond is not of type operatingConditions. ValueError: If initialstates is malformed. NotImplementedError: If initialstates has non-scalar temp or non-None sigma. ValueError: If storeStates is not meaningful. Examples: >>> Sf = Snowflake() >>> Sf = Snowflake(Nvials=(4, 3, 1), dt = 5) >>> Sf = Snowflake(storeStates = ['edge_random_4', 'uniform.core.5']) >>> Sf = Snowflake(storeStates = (0, 4, 10)) """ if isinstance(N_vials, list): # we exepct this to be immutable N_vials = tuple(N_vials) if len(N_vials) != 3: raise ValueError(f"Length of N_vials must be 3, was {len(N_vials)}.") else: self.N_vials = N_vials if self.N_vials[2] > 1: # 3D case, k_shelf can be missing hflowKeys = tuple([elem for elem in HEATFLOW_REQUIREDKEYS if elem != "s0"]) else: hflowKeys = HEATFLOW_REQUIREDKEYS if not isinstance(k, dict): raise TypeError(f"Input k must be of type dict. Was given {type(k)}.") elif not all([key in k.keys() for key in hflowKeys]): raise ValueError( ( f"A required key was missing from dictionary k, specifically " + f"{set(hflowKeys) - set(k.keys())}." ) ) else: self.k = k self.dt = dt if not isinstance(opcond, OperatingConditions): raise TypeError( "Input opcond must be an instance of class OperatingConditions." ) else: self.opcond = opcond self.solidificationThreshold = solidificationThreshold self._X = None self._t = None self.stats = dict() self._simulationStatus = 0 self._H_int = None self._H_ext = None self._H_shelf = None self.configPath = configPath # store the seed to look it up if need be self.seed = seed # remember what N_vials was used to build heat flow matrices # so if it changes we know to rebuild them self._NvialsUsed = self.N_vials if (initialStates is not None) and ( (not isinstance(initialStates, dict)) or ("temp" not in initialStates.keys()) ): raise ValueError( "initialStates malformed. Must be None or dict with keys " + f"'temp' (and 'sigma'). Was {initialStates}." ) if (initialStates is None) or (initialStates["temp"] is None): self.T_k_0 = self.opcond.cooling["start"] # C elif not hasattr(initialStates["temp"], "__len__"): self.T_k_0 = initialStates["temp"] # C elif (hasattr(initialStates["temp"], "__len__")) and ( len(initialStates["temp"]) == 1 ): self.T_k_0 = initialStates["temp"][0] elif (hasattr(initialStates["temp"], "__len__")) and ( len(initialStates["temp"]) > 1 ): raise NotImplementedError( "Currently can only deal with constant initial temp." ) if ("sigma" in initialStates.keys()) and (initialStates["sigma"] is not None): raise NotImplementedError("Non-zero sigma initial state not implemented.") self._emptyStore = False if isinstance(storeStates, (list, tuple)): if all([isinstance(x, int) for x in storeStates]): if any(np.array(storeStates) > self.N_vials_total - 1) or any( np.array(storeStates) < 0 ): raise ValueError( f"Entries in storeStates must be >0 " + f"and <{self.N_vials_total - 1}." ) storageMask = np.zeros(self.N_vials_total, dtype=bool) storageMask[list(storeStates)] = True elif all([isinstance(x, str) for x in storeStates]): storageMasks = list( map(lambda x: self._interpretStorageString(x), storeStates) ) storageMask = np.logical_or.reduce(storageMasks) else: raise ValueError( "storeStates must be a sequence of all int or all str." ) elif isinstance(storeStates, str): storageMask = self._interpretStorageString(storeStates) elif storeStates is None: storageMask = np.zeros(self.N_vials_total, dtype=bool) self._emptyStore = True self._storageMask = storageMask if not isinstance(initIce, str) or ( (initIce.lower() != "direct") and (initIce.lower() != "indirect") ): raise ValueError( "initIce must be a string equal to 'indirect' or 'direct'. ", f"But it was {initIce}.", ) self.initIce = initIce.lower() @property def simulationStatus(self) -> int: """Return simulation status of instance. Returns: int: Simulation status. 0 = not run, 1 = run. """ if (self._simulationStatus == 1) or (self._X is not None): self._simulationStatus = 1 return self._simulationStatus @property def H_int(self) -> csr_matrix: """Return the internal heat transfer matrix. Returns: csr_matrix: The internal heat transfer matrix. """ if (self._H_int is None) or self.N_vials != self._NvialsUsed: self._buildHeatflowMatrices() return self._H_int @property def H_ext(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return the external heat transfer vector. Returns: np.ndarray: The external heat transfer vector. """ if (self._H_ext is None) or self.N_vials != self._NvialsUsed: self._buildHeatflowMatrices() return self._H_ext @property def H_shelf(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return the shelf heat transfer vector. Returns: np.ndarray: The shelf heat transfer vector. """ if ( (self._H_shelf is None) or (self.N_vials != self._NvialsUsed) or (self.seed != self._seedUsed) ): self._buildShelfHeatFlow() return self._H_shelf @property def N_vials_total(self) -> int: """Return total number of vials in system.""" return int( @property def X_T(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the temperature states. Returns: np.ndarray: An array containing the vial temperatures over time. This is just a slice of _X! """ return self._X[: int(np.sum(self._storageMask)), :] @property def X_sigma(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the sigma states. Returns: np.ndarray: An array containing the vial sigmas over time. This is just a slice of _X! """ return self._X[int(np.sum(self._storageMask)) :, :] @property def seed(self) -> int: """Get or set the random seed. Setting the seed value will initialize a new rng under the hood. Returns: int: The seed of the Snowflake. """ return self._seed @seed.setter def seed(self, value): # best practice is now to store the rng in an object and pass it around # self._rng = np.random.default_rng(value) # store the seed to look it up if need be self._seed = value # let H_shelf figure out whether it needs to be updated _ = self.H_shelf @property def configPath(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get configPath property.""" return self._configPath @configPath.setter def configPath(self, value): """Set configPath property.""" self.const = calculateDerived(value) self._configPath = value def _interpretStorageString(self, myString): """Interpret the storeState string. Returns the interpretation of the storeState string indicating which states should be stored in _X. """ myString = myString.lower() if not any( [word in myString for word in list(VIAL_GROUPS) + ["random", "uniform"]] ): raise ValueError("No valid vial group or key word used in storeStates.") elif any([word in myString for word in list(VIAL_GROUPS)]): for group in VIAL_GROUPS: if group in myString: storageMask = self.getVialGroup(group) break elif ("random" in myString) or ("uniform" in myString): # assume vial group 'all' is implied storageMask = np.ones(self.N_vials_total, dtype=bool) if ("random" in myString) or ("uniform" in myString): howMany = re.findall(r"\d+", myString) if len(howMany) == 0: # unclear how many to pick, default is 10% howMany = int(np.ceil(0.1 * self.N_vials_total)) elif len(howMany) == 1: howMany = int(howMany[0]) elif len(howMany) > 1: raise ValueError("storeStates strings must contain one number at most.") I_candidates = np.where(storageMask)[0] if "random" in myString: I_toStore = self._rng.choice(I_candidates, size=howMany, replace=False) elif "uniform" in myString: stepSize = int(np.ceil(len(I_candidates) / howMany)) I_fromCandidates = np.arange(0, len(I_candidates), stepSize, dtype=int) I_toStore = I_candidates[I_fromCandidates] storageMask = np.zeros(self.N_vials_total, dtype=bool) storageMask[I_toStore] = True return storageMask
[docs] def run(self): """Run the simulation.""" # clean up any potential old simulations self._X = None self._t = None # Obtain external temperature profile over time T_shelf = self.opcond.tempProfile(self.dt) T_ext = T_shelf # need to make a switch so that this can be decoupled - DRO XX # store stuff in local variables to reduce getter method calls # note that getter method handles the construction of the matrices # in case they haven't been initialized yet H_int = self.H_int H_ext = self.H_ext H_shelf = self.H_shelf # constants solid_fraction = self.const["solid_fraction"] cp_s = self.const["cp_s"] cp_w = self.const["cp_w"] cp_i = self.const["cp_i"] cp_solution = self.const["cp_solution"] depression = self.const["depression"] mass = self.const["mass"] alpha = self.const["alpha"] beta_solution = self.const["beta_solution"] T_eq = self.const["T_eq"] T_eq_l = self.const["T_eq_l"] # T_init = self.const["T_init"] hl = self.const["hl"] kb = self.const["kb"] b = self.const["b"] V = self.const["V"] N_timeSteps = ( int(np.ceil(self.opcond.t_tot / self.dt)) + 1 ) # the total number of timesteps N_vials_total = self.N_vials_total # Initial state of the system # initial temperature T_k = np.ones(N_vials_total) * self.T_k_0 # [C] sigma_k = np.zeros(N_vials_total) # (0 = liq, 1 = completely frozen) # Pre-allocate memory # our state matrix containing the entire history of the system X = np.zeros((2 * np.sum(self._storageMask), N_timeSteps)) t = np.arange(0, N_timeSteps * self.dt, self.dt) stats = dict( t_nucleation=np.full(N_vials_total, np.nan), T_nucleation=np.full(N_vials_total, np.nan), t_solidification=np.full(N_vials_total, np.nan), ) if np.any(t >= self.opcond.cnt): k_CN = np.argmax(t >= self.opcond.cnt) else: k_CN = N_timeSteps + 1 # Iterate over time steps for k in np.arange(N_timeSteps): T_shelf_k = T_shelf[k] T_ext_k = T_ext[k] # toc1_l = time.perf_counter() if not self._emptyStore: # does not give a huge boost. x_k = np.concatenate([T_k, sigma_k]) X[:, k] = x_k[np.concatenate([self._storageMask, self._storageMask])] # calculate heatflows for all vials q_k = ( H_int @ T_k + H_ext * (T_ext_k - T_k) + H_shelf * (T_shelf_k - T_k) ) # [XXX] units? - DRO # a mask that is True where a vial is still fully liquid liquidMask = sigma_k == 0 solidMask = ~liquidMask # for convenience # SOLID(IFYING) VIALS if any(solidMask): solidifiedMask = (sigma_k > self.solidificationThreshold) & np.isnan( stats["t_solidification"] ) stats["t_solidification"][solidifiedMask] = ( t[k] - stats["t_nucleation"][solidifiedMask] ) # heat capacity of solidifying vials # a vector of cps for all solidifying vials cp_sigma = solid_fraction * cp_s + (1 - solid_fraction) * ( sigma_k[solidMask] * (cp_i - cp_w) + cp_w ) beta = depression * mass * cp_sigma deltaSigma = ( q_k[solidMask] / (alpha - beta / (1 - sigma_k[solidMask]) ** 2) * self.dt ) sigma_k[solidMask] = sigma_k[solidMask] + deltaSigma # assumption is that during solidification T = Teq T_k[solidMask] = T_eq - depression * (1 / (1 - sigma_k[solidMask])) # LIQUID VIALS if any(liquidMask): T_k[liquidMask] = T_k[liquidMask] + q_k[liquidMask] / hl * self.dt # a mask that is True where the temperature is # below the equilibrium temperature superCooledMask = T_k < T_eq_l # a vial that is both liquid and supercooled can nucleate nucleationCandidatesMask = liquidMask & superCooledMask # the total number of nucleation candidates n_nucleationCandidates = np.sum(nucleationCandidatesMask) # nucleation probabilities for candidates P = np.zeros(N_vials_total) diceRolls = np.zeros(N_vials_total) P[nucleationCandidatesMask] = ( kb * V * (T_eq_l - T_k[nucleationCandidatesMask]) ** b * self.dt ) # when we reach the timepoint of controlled nucleation # all vials (that thermodynamically can) nucleate if k == k_CN: P.fill(1) frac_justCant = 1 - np.sum(nucleationCandidatesMask) / N_vials_total if frac_justCant >= 0.1: print( ( f"WARNING: A significant number of vials " + f"({frac_justCant * 100:4.1f}%) " + "were not supercooled when controlled " + "nucleation triggered." ) ) diceRolls[nucleationCandidatesMask] = self._rng.random( n_nucleationCandidates ) # Nucleation nucleatedVialsMask = nucleationCandidatesMask & (diceRolls < P) stats["t_nucleation"][nucleatedVialsMask] = t[k] + self.dt stats["T_nucleation"][nucleatedVialsMask] = T_k[nucleatedVialsMask] q0 = (T_eq_l - T_k[nucleatedVialsMask]) * cp_solution * mass if self.initIce == "indirect": sigma_k[nucleatedVialsMask] = -q0 / (alpha - beta_solution) else: # LTD: referred to as "direct" approach # this is the one used in the derivation of the manuscripts gamma_direct = -alpha / mass / cp_solution B_direct = T_eq - T_k[nucleatedVialsMask] + gamma_direct C_direct = T_k[nucleatedVialsMask] - T_eq + depression sigma_k[nucleatedVialsMask] = ( -B_direct + np.sqrt(B_direct ** 2 + 4 * gamma_direct * C_direct) ) / (-2 * gamma_direct) # assumption is that during solidification T = Teq T_k[nucleatedVialsMask] = T_eq - depression * ( 1 / (1 - sigma_k[nucleatedVialsMask]) ) self.stats = stats self._X = X # store the state matrix self._t = t # store the time vector
[docs] def nucleationTimes( self, group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "all", fromStates: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Return array of nucleation times. Args: group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional): Subgroup to return. Defaults to "all". fromStates (bool, optional): Whether or not to calculate from states directly. Defaults to False. Returns: np.ndarray: The nucleation times. """ if fromStates: I_nucleation, lateBloomers = self._sigmaCrossingIndices(threshold=0) # nucleation times for all nucleated vials # need to make sure this is float so no problems arise later t_nucleation_states = self._t[I_nucleation].astype(float) # non-nucleated vials are set to NaN t_nucleation_states[lateBloomers] = np.nan t_nucleation = np.full(self.N_vials_total, np.nan) t_nucleation[self._storageMask] = t_nucleation_states else: t_nucleation = self.stats["t_nucleation"] I_groups = self.getVialGroup(group) return t_nucleation[I_groups]
[docs] def nucleationTemperatures( self, group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "all", fromStates: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Return array of nucleation temperatures. Args: group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional): Subgroup to return. Defaults to "all". fromStates (bool, optional): Whether or not to calculate from states directly. Defaults to False. Returns: np.ndarray: The nucleation temperatures. """ if fromStates: I_nucleation, lateBloomers = self._sigmaCrossingIndices(threshold=0) T_nucleation_states = np.array( [ self.X_T[i, I - 1] for i, I in zip(range(self.N_vials_total), I_nucleation) ] ).astype( float ) # should always be float, but just to be sure # non-nucleated vials are set to NaN T_nucleation_states[lateBloomers] = np.nan T_nucleation = np.full(self.N_vials_total, np.nan) T_nucleation[self._storageMask] = T_nucleation_states else: T_nucleation = self.stats["T_nucleation"] I_groups = self.getVialGroup(group) return T_nucleation[I_groups]
[docs] def solidificationTimes( self, group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "all", threshold: Optional[float] = None, fromStates: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return array of solidification times. Args: group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional): Subgroup to return. Defaults to "all". threshold (Optional[float], optional): The threshold used to define 'solidified'. Defaults to self.solidificationThreshold. fromStates (bool, optional): Whether or not to calculate from states directly. Defaults to False. Returns: np.ndarray: The solidification times. """ if threshold is None: threshold = self.solidificationThreshold if fromStates: t_nucleation = self.nucleationTimes(fromStates=fromStates) I_solidification, neverGrownUp = self._sigmaCrossingIndices( threshold=threshold ) # nucleation times for all nucleated vials # need to make sure this is float so no problems arise later t_solidified = self._t[I_solidification].astype(float) # never fully solidified vials are set to NaN t_solidified[neverGrownUp] = np.nan # solidification is the difference between solidified and nucleated times t_solidification_states = t_solidified t_solidification = np.full(self.N_vials_total, np.nan) t_solidification[self._storageMask] = t_solidification_states t_solidification = t_solidification - t_nucleation else: if threshold != self.solidificationThreshold: raise ValueError( "Threshold cannot differ from solidificationThreshold when " + "not calculating from states." ) t_solidification = self.stats["t_solidification"] I_groups = self.getVialGroup(group) return t_solidification[I_groups]
[docs] def sigmaCounter( self, time: Union[Sequence[float], float], threshold: Optional[float] = None, fromStates: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return counter of vials satisfying sigma>threshold at time. Args: time (Union[Sequence[float], float]): The time(s) for which to return the counter. threshold (Optional[float], optional): The threshold to apply. Defaults to self.solidificationThreshold. fromStates (bool, optional): Whether or not to calculate from states directly. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: Simulation needs to be run first. ValueError: fromStates is False and threshold is neither 0 or self.solidificationThreshold. Returns: np.ndarray: [description] """ if self.simulationStatus == 0: raise ValueError("Simulation needs to be run first.") if threshold is None: # default is to give solidified vials threshold = self.solidificationThreshold if isinstance(time, (float, int)): # we iterate over this, # so it must be a list time = [time] counter = np.zeros(len(time)) for i, t in enumerate(time): if fromStates: I_time = np.argmax(self._t >= t) counter[i] = np.sum(self.X_sigma[:, I_time] > threshold, axis=0) else: if (threshold > 0) and (threshold != self.solidificationThreshold): raise ValueError( "Threshold cannot differ from solidificationThreshold when " + "not calculating from states." ) elif threshold > 0: counter[i] = np.sum(self.stats["t_solidification"] <= t) elif threshold == 0: counter[i] = np.sum(self.stats["t_nucleation"] <= t) return counter
[docs] def getVialGroup( self, group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "all" ) -> np.ndarray: # @ DRO: Need to adjust definitions for corner, edge, side etc... """Return mask for given group. mask[i] = True iff vial[i] is in G where G can be a list of groups. Args: group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional): Subgroup to return. Can be "corner", "edge", "side", "core", "all". Defaults to "all". Raises: ValueError: Group is not known. Returns: np.ndarray: A boolean mask of size (N_vials_tot,). Examples: >>> S = Snowflake(N_vials = (2, 2, 1)) >>> S.getVialGroup('corner') array([True, True, True, True]) >>> S.getVialGroup(['edge', 'core']) array([False, False, False, False]) """ if isinstance(group, str): group = [group] _, VIAL_EXT = self._buildInteractionMatrices() myMask = np.zeros(self.N_vials_total, dtype=bool) for g in group: if g == "corner": # for the 3D case, a corner vial has 3 external IAs myMask = myMask | (VIAL_EXT == 3 - (self.N_vials[2] == 1)) elif g == "edge": myMask = myMask | (VIAL_EXT == 2 - (self.N_vials[2] == 1)) elif g == "side": # side and edge are equivalent for 2D myMask = myMask | (VIAL_EXT == 1) elif g == "core": myMask = myMask | (VIAL_EXT == 0) elif g == "center": myMask = myMask | (VIAL_EXT == 0) warnings.warn( "'center' is deprecated terminology. Please use 'core' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) elif g == "all": myMask = np.ones(self.N_vials_total, dtype=bool) break else: raise ValueError(f"Group {g} is not a known vial group.") return myMask
[docs] def plot( self, kind: str = "box", what: str = "t_nucleation", group: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "all", context: bool = True, ): """Create plots for Snowflake object. Args: kind (str, optional): Type of plot to print. If input is 'trajectories' will print temperature or sigma profile. Otherwise will print from stats dict. In that case, any sns.catplot 'kind' input is allowed. Defaults to "box". what (str, optional): What to plot. For trajectories valid inputs are sigma or temperature. Otherwise, it's the keys of the stats dict. I.e., t_nucleation, T_nucleation, t_solidification. Defaults to "temperature". group (Union[str, Sequence[str]], optional): Subgroup to return. Defaults to "all". context (bool, optional): Whether or not to print additional context in the figure. Mainly used to add shelf temperature. """ stats_df, traj_df = self.to_frame() if kind.lower().startswith("traj"): if self._emptyStore: raise ValueError("No trajectories have been stored. Cannot plot.") df = traj_df else: df = stats_df if group != "all": if not isinstance(group, (tuple, list)): group = [group] df = df[] if kind.lower().startswith("traj"): df = df[df.state.str.contains(what)] if len(df) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No data for {what} for plot type {kind} and group {group}. " + "Please check your inputs." ) ax = sns.lineplot(data=df, hue="group", y="value", x="Time") if (what == "temperature") and context: N_timeSteps = ( int(np.ceil(self.opcond.t_tot / self.dt)) + 1 ) # the total number of timesteps t = np.arange(0, N_timeSteps * self.dt, self.dt) T_shelf = self.opcond.tempProfile(self.dt) sns.lineplot( x=t, y=T_shelf, ax=ax, linestyle="dashed", linewidth=0.75, color="black", label="Shelf Temperature", ) else: df = df[df.variable.str.contains(what)] if len(df) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No data for {what} for plot type {kind} and group {group}. " + "Please check your inputs." ) sns.catplot(data=df, hue="group", y="value", kind=kind, x="variable")
def _sigmaCrossingIndices( self, threshold: float = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Return indices where sigma crosses threshold. A helper function identifying the time (indices) in the state matrix where sigma crosses a certain value. Args: threshold (Optional[float], optional): The threshold to apply. Defaults to self.solidificationThreshold. Raises: ValueError: Simulation needs to be run first. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Indices where threshold is reached and mask identifying vials that never reach threshold. """ if self.simulationStatus == 0: raise ValueError("Simulation needs to be run first.") if threshold is None: threshold = self.solidificationThreshold Indices = np.argmax(self.X_sigma > threshold, axis=1) # vials that never exceeded solidification threshold neverReached = ~np.any(self.X_sigma > threshold, axis=1) return Indices, neverReached def _buildInteractionMatrices(self) -> Tuple[csr_matrix, np.ndarray]: """Build interaction matrices. Returns: Tuple[csr_matrix, np.ndarray]: Internal interaction matrix and external interaction vector. """ # This is a (n_x*n_y*n_z) x (n_x*n_y*n_z) matrix # of interactions between vial pairs # Please note that, on any given shelf, we index vials this way: # [[1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n_x], # [n_x+1, n_x+2, ..., 2*n_x], # [...], # [(n_y-1)*n_x+1, ... , n_y*n_x]] # If one thinks of a shelf as an array, we hence use 'row-major' ordering. # This is the same as numpy (most of the time), but different from Matlab. # These matrices can then be used as a sort of mask to overlay on, e.g., # temperatures to calculate the correct driving forces for each vial/pair. n_x = self.N_vials[0] # the number of vials in the horizontal direction n_y = self.N_vials[1] # the number of vials in the vertical direction n_z = self.N_vials[2] # the number of vials in the upwards/downwards direction # (perpendicular to the plane spanned by x and y) # create interaction matrix for horizontal (x-direction) interactions # matrix is 1 where two vials have a horizontal interaction and 0 otherwise # pairs (1,2), (2,3), ..., (i,i+1) have horizontal interactions, # except where i = n_x! # this means that in the IA matrix off-diagonal elements are 1 # except where i%n_x==0 or j%n_x==0 dx_pattern = np.ones((n_x * n_y * n_z - 1,)) # the vial at index position i+1 is at the edge -> one neighbor less idx_delete = [i for i in range(n_x * n_y * n_z - 1) if (i + 1) % n_x == 0] dx_pattern[idx_delete] = 0 # we store this as a compressed sparse row (most efficient format?) DX = csr_matrix(np.diag(dx_pattern, k=1) + np.diag(dx_pattern, k=-1)) # create interaction matrix for vertical (y-direction) interactions # matrix is 1 where two vials have a horizontal interaction and 0 otherwise # pairs (1,n_x+1), (2,n_x+2), ..., (i,n_x+i) have vertical interactions # for i in [1, n_x*(n_y-1)] # this means that in the IA matrix n_x-removed-off-diagonal elements are 1 dy_pattern = np.ones((n_x * (n_y * n_z - 1),)) idy_delete = [ i for i in range(n_x * (n_y * n_z - 1) - 1) if (i + 1) % (n_x * n_y) == 0 ] for i in range(n_x): # need to extract n_x points (i.e. an entire row) # every time we have an interaction delete_n_x = [k - i for k in idy_delete] # remove all interactions dy_pattern[delete_n_x] = 0 DY = csr_matrix(np.diag(dy_pattern, k=n_x) + np.diag(dy_pattern, k=-n_x)) # create interaction matrix for upwards/downwards direction interactions # matrix is 1 where two vials have an interaction and 0 otherwise # pairs (1,(n_x*n_y)+1), (2,(n_x+n_y)+2), ..., (i,i+(n_x+n_y)) have interactions # for i in [1, n_x*n_y*(n_z-1)] if n_z > 1: dz_pattern = np.ones( (n_x * n_y * (n_z - 1),) ) # @DRO: For n_z = 1, there will be no pattern DZ = csr_matrix( np.diag(dz_pattern, k=(n_x * n_y)) + np.diag(dz_pattern, k=(-n_x * n_y)) ) else: # no pattern in z-direction DZ = 0 # how many interactions does each vial # have with other vials # diagflat because sum over a sparse matrix # returns a np.matrix object, not an ndarray VIAL_INT = csr_matrix(np.diagflat(np.sum(DX + DY + DZ, axis=1))) # the overall interaction matrix is given by the sum # of the interaction matrices DX and DY # minus the diagonal containing the sum of all vial-vial interactions interactionMatrix = DX + DY + DZ - VIAL_INT # at most, any cubic vial on a 2D shelf can have # 4 interactions. 4 - VIAL_INT is the # number of external interactions (excl. the shelf). # For the 3D case this max is 6. maxInteractions = 4 + (n_z > 1) * 2 VIAL_EXT = maxInteractions * np.ones((n_x * n_y * n_z,)) - VIAL_INT.diagonal() return interactionMatrix, VIAL_EXT def _buildShelfHeatFlow( self, ): """Build the shelf heat flow array. Because the shelf heat flow may be dependent on the rng if s_sigma_rel > 0 we need to separate this process out so we can reinitialize this particular array for Snowfall. """ # store which seed was used to compute this # (getter method will know to recall this function # if the value changes) self._seedUsed = self.seed if self.N_vials[2] == 1: # 2D/shelf simulation if ("s_sigma_rel" in self.k.keys()) and (self.k["s_sigma_rel"] > 0): self.k["shelf"] = ( self.k["s0"] + self._rng.normal(size=self.N_vials_total) * self.k["s_sigma_rel"] * self.k["s0"] ) else: self.k["shelf"] = self.k["s0"] else: # 3D/pallet simulation self.k["shelf"] = 0 if np.any(self.k["shelf"] < 0): # k cannot be smaller than 0 self.k["shelf"][self.k["shelf"] < 0] = 0 print("There were shelf heat transfer coefficients < 0. I set them to 0.") self._H_shelf = self.k["shelf"] * self.const["A"] # either a scalar or a vector def _buildHeatflowMatrices(self): """Build heatflow matrices.""" # store which N_vials was used to compute this # (getter method will know to recall this function # if the value changes) self._NvialsUsed = self.N_vials A = self.const["A"] interactionMatrix, VIAL_EXT = self._buildInteractionMatrices() # compute H_int self._H_int = interactionMatrix * self.k["int"] * A # compute H_ext self._H_ext = VIAL_EXT * self.k["ext"] * A # compute H_shelf (potentially depends on rng/seed) # will be zero in case of 3D system (assumes pallet in storage freezing) self._buildShelfHeatFlow()
[docs] def to_frame( self, n_timeSteps: int = 250 ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: """Save statistics (and states) as pandas dataframe. Args: n_timeSteps (int, optional): For states a reduced representation is stored. This defines the number of subsamples. Defaults to 250. Raises: ValueError: Simulation needs to run first. Returns: Tuple[pd.DataFrame, Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: The statistics and if available the states over time (both in long form). """ if self.simulationStatus == 0: raise ValueError("Simulation needs to be run first.") df = pd.DataFrame(self.stats) = "vial" df = df.reset_index() _, VIAL_EXT = self._buildInteractionMatrices() df["group"] = VIAL_EXT df.loc[ == 3 - (self.N_vials[2] == 1), "group"] = "corner" df.loc[ == 2 - (self.N_vials[2] == 1), "group"] = "edge" df.loc[ == 1, "group"] = "side" df.loc[ == 0, "group"] = "core" stats_df = df.melt(id_vars=["group", "vial"]) n_storedStates = np.sum(self._storageMask) if n_storedStates > 0: # to reduce computational cost we limit number of timepoints to n_timeSteps df = pd.DataFrame(self._X[:, :: int(self._X.shape[1] / (n_timeSteps - 1))]) df.columns = self._t[:: int(self._X.shape[1] / (n_timeSteps - 1))] = "Time" df["state"] = np.concatenate( [ np.repeat("temperature", n_storedStates), np.repeat("sigma", n_storedStates), ] ) df["vial"] = np.tile(np.where(self._storageMask)[0], 2) df["group"] = np.tile(VIAL_EXT[self._storageMask], 2) df.loc[ == 3 - (self.N_vials[2] == 1), "group"] = "corner" df.loc[ == 2 - (self.N_vials[2] == 1), "group"] = "edge" df.loc[ == 1 - (self.N_vials[2] == 1), "group"] = "side" df.loc[ == 0, "group"] = "core" traj_df = df.melt(id_vars=["group", "vial", "state"]) else: traj_df = None return stats_df, traj_df
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return string representation of the Snowflake class. A simple indicator of the most important properties of the Snowflake. Returns: str: The Snowflake class string representation giving some basic info. """ return ( f"Snowflake([N_vials: {self.N_vials}, " + f"dt: {self.dt}, seed: {self.seed}])" )