"""Calculate derived constants and shortcut definitions."""
# Loading yaml config file
import pkg_resources
import yaml
from numpy import pi
from collections.abc import Mapping
from typing import Optional, List, Any
from .__init__ import __citation__, __bibtex__
def __getAllKeys_gen(dl: Any) -> list:
"""Help recursive key search with generator.
dl (Any): Some dictionary or dict value.
list: The list of keys in dl.
Iterator[list]: A generator of keys.
if isinstance(dl, dict):
for val in dl.values():
yield from __getAllKeys_gen(val)
yield list(dl.keys())
def _getAllKeys(dl: dict) -> List[str]:
"""Return all keys in a potentially nested dict.
dl (dict): A dictionary of dictionaries of arbitrary depth.
List[str]: All keys.
keys_list = list(__getAllKeys_gen(dl))
return [key for subl in keys_list for key in subl]
def _nestedDictUpdate(d: dict, u: dict) -> dict:
"""Update a nested dictionary with another.
Both dictionaries come from the config yaml.
We only want to update the entries in the custom
config (u) that are different from the default (d).
d (dict): The reference nested dictionary.
u (dict): The nested dictionary containing the updates.
dict: The updated nested dictionary.
# courtesy of stackoverflow (Alex Martelli)
for k, v in u.items():
if isinstance(v, Mapping):
d[k] = _nestedDictUpdate(d.get(k, {}), v)
d[k] = v
return d
def _loadConfig(fpath: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
"""Load the default config file and the custom one.
fpath (Optional[str], optional): The filepath of the custom
config file. Defaults to None.
dict: The loaded config as dict.
# the default config is listed as part of the package data
# therefore we can access it with pkg_resources
defaultConfig_fpath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
"ethz_snow", "config/snowConfig_default.yaml"
with open(defaultConfig_fpath) as f:
config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
if fpath is not None:
with open(fpath) as f:
customConfig = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# ensure that custom updates are
# subset of the valid set of keys
# (there is an edge case where the user
# uses a valid key nested in the wrong place
# we currently do not control for that)
validKeys = _getAllKeys(config)
newKeys = _getAllKeys(customConfig)
diffSet = set(newKeys) - set(validKeys)
if len(diffSet) > 0:
f"WARNING: Custom config key{'s'*(len(diffSet) > 1)} {diffSet} "
+ f"{'is' if (len(diffSet) == 1) else 'are'} not valid "
+ "and will be ignored."
config = _nestedDictUpdate(config, customConfig)
return config
[docs]def calculateDerived(fpath: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
"""Compute the constants needed for Snowflake. Derive where needed.
fpath (Optional[str], optional): The filepath of the custom
config file. Defaults to None.
NotImplementedError: Vial geometry is not cubic.
dict: A dictionary of constants.
# the below code uses somewhat clunky casting
# it's needed because pyyaml parses certain numbers
# in scienfitic notation as strings (YAML 1.1 vs 1.2 I suppose)
# I'm too lazy to write something more sophisticated.
config = _loadConfig(fpath)
const = dict()
# copy directly from yaml
T_eq = float(config["solution"]["T_eq"])
kb = float(config["kinetics"]["kb"])
b = float(config["kinetics"]["b"])
rho_l = float(config["solution"]["rho_l"])
height = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["height"])
diameter = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["diameter"])
dimensionality = str(config["dimensionality"])
configuration = str(config["configuration"])
# check configuration
if configuration not in {"shelf", "VISF", "jacket"}:
raise NotImplementedError(
f'Configuration "{configuration}" '
+ 'not correctly specified, use "shelf", "jacket" or "VISF".'
# check model dimensionality
if dimensionality not in {"homogeneous", "spatial_1D", "spatial_2D"}:
raise NotImplementedError(
f'Model dimensionality "{dimensionality}" '
+ "not correctly specified, use homogeneous, spatial_1D or spatial_2D."
# derived properties of vial for cubic shape
if config["vial"]["geometry"]["shape"].startswith("cub"):
A = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["length"]) * float(
# vial properties for cylindrical shape, commented out for now
# elif config["vial"]["geometry"]["shape"].startswith("cyl"):
# geoKeys = config["vial"]["geometry"].keys()
# if ("radius" in geoKeys) and (config["vial"]["geometry"]["radius"] is not None):
# # radius is specified (not in defaults!)
# cyl_r = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["radius"])
# elif ("diameter" in geoKeys) and (
# config["vial"]["geometry"]["diameter"] is not None
# ):
# # diameter is specified
# cyl_r = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["diameter"]) / 2
# elif ("length" in geoKeys) and ("width" in geoKeys):
# # length and width specified
# assert float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["length"]) == float(
# config["vial"]["geometry"]["width"]
# ), "Length and width must match for cylinders."
# # interpret as diameter
# cyl_r = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["length"]) / 2
# elif "length" in geoKeys:
# # only length specified
# cyl_r = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["length"]) / 2
# elif "width" in geoKeys:
# # only width specified
# cyl_r = float(config["vial"]["geometry"]["width"]) / 2
# A = pi * cyl_r**2
raise NotImplementedError(
f'Cannot handle shape "{config["vial"]["geometry"]["shape"]}". '
+ 'Only "cubic" shape is supported. In Snowing, the shape is automatically rewritten to "cylinder".'
# volume
V = A * height
# derived properties of solution
cp_s = float(config["solution"]["cp_s"])
solid_fraction = float(config["solution"]["solid_fraction"])
cp_w = float(config["water"]["cp_w"])
cp_i = float(config["water"]["cp_i"])
Dcp = cp_i - cp_w
cp_solution = (
solid_fraction * cp_s + (1 - solid_fraction) * cp_w
) # heat capacity of solution
# Shortcut definitions
mass = rho_l * V
hl = mass * cp_solution
depression = (
/ float(config["solution"]["M_s"])
* (solid_fraction / (1 - solid_fraction))
alpha = (
-mass * float(config["water"]["Dh"]) * (1 - solid_fraction)
) # used for sigma time step
beta_solution = depression * mass * cp_solution
T_eq_l = T_eq - depression
# latent heat of fusion
Dh = float(config["water"]["Dh"])
# needed for solving nucleation
k_f = float(config["solution"]["k_f"])
M_s = float(config["solution"]["M_s"])
# general constants
sigma_B = float(config["general"]["sigma_B"])
k_B = float(config["general"]["k_B"])
# mass of solute and water in the solution
mass_solute = mass * solid_fraction
mass_water = mass * (1 - solid_fraction)
# freezing configuration
configuration = str(config["configuration"])
constVars = [
# check that spatial model is chosen for VISF
if config["configuration"] == "VISF":
if config["dimensionality"] == "homogeneous":
raise NotImplementedError(
f'For simulating "{config["configuration"]}" '
+ "a spatial model is required."
# set up additional parameters for VISF
p_vac = float(config["VISF"]["p_vac"])
kappa = float(config["VISF"]["kappa"])
Dh_evaporation = float(config["VISF"]["Dh_evaporation"])
m_water = float(config["VISF"]["m_water"])
t_vac_start = float(config["VISF"]["t_vac_start"])
t_vac_duration = float(config["VISF"]["t_vac_duration"])
# check that spatial model is chosen for jacket
elif config["configuration"] == "jacket":
if config["dimensionality"] != "spatial_2D":
raise NotImplementedError(
f'For simulating "{config["configuration"]}" '
+ "a 2D model is required."
# set up additional parameters for jacket-ramped freezing
air_gap = float(config["jacket"]["air_gap"])
lambda_air = float(config["jacket"]["lambda_air"])
constVars.extend(["lambda_air", "air_gap"])
# warn that cylindrical gemoetry instead of cubic geometry is used for spatial model
if config["dimensionality"] != "homogeneous":
f'WARNING: For simulating a "{config["dimensionality"]}" '
+ "model a cylindrical geometry is required. Shape is automatically rewritten to cylinder."
# this is not a lumped capacitance model
# effective heat conductivity (for non-homog. vial temps)
lambda_s = float(config["solution"]["lambda_s"])
lambda_w = float(config["water"]["lambda_w"])
lambda_i = float(config["water"]["lambda_i"])
# effective heat conductivity of solution
lambda_solution = solid_fraction * lambda_s + (1 - solid_fraction) * lambda_w
# extend the list of constant variables
# bundle things into a dict now
# don't do it earlier for readability
for myvar in constVars:
const[myvar] = locals()[myvar]
return const