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"""Implementation of the SNOWing class.
This module contains the SNOWing class used to run the single vial simulation
with spatial information.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import multiprocessing as mp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import simps
from typing import Optional
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerTuple
import ethz_snow.utils as Utils
from ethz_snow.constants import calculateDerived
from ethz_snow.operatingConditions import OperatingConditions
HEATFLOW_REQUIREDKEYS = ("int", "ext", "s0")
VIAL_GROUPS = ("corner", "edge", "center", "all")
[docs]class Snowing:
"""A class to handle a single SNOWing (Stochastic Nucleation of Water
with INternal Gradients) simulation.
More information regarding the equations and their derivation can be found in
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.148660, Deck et al. (2024).
k (dict): Heat transfer coefficients.
opcond (OperatingConditions): Operating conditions of the run.
temperature (str): Model dimensionality.
configuration (str): Freezing configuration.
plotting (bool): Whether evolutions are plotted or not.
Nrep (int): Number of repetitions.
configPath (Optional[str]): The path of the (optional) custom config yaml.
def __init__(
k: dict = {"int": 0, "ext": 0, "s0": 50, "s_sigma_rel": 0},
opcond: OperatingConditions = OperatingConditions(),
Nrep: int = 1,
configPath: Optional[str] = None,
"""Construct a Snowing object.
k (dict, optional): Heat transfer coefficients.
Defaults to {"int": 0, "ext": 0, "s0": 50, "s_sigma_rel": 0}.
opcond (OperatingConditions, optional):
Operating conditions of the run. Defaults to OperatingConditions().
Nrep (int, optional): Number of repetitions. Defaults to 1.
configPath (Optional[str], optional): The path of the (optional)
custom config yaml. Defaults to None.
TypeError: If k is not a dict.
ValueError: If a aspecific key is missing in dict k.
TypeError: If opcond is not of type operatingConditions.
The following command will create and instance of the Snowing class with
default operating conditions and heat transfer parameters:
>>> S = Snowing()
To customize the operating conditions, first define the operating conditions
and the heat transfer parameters:
>>> d = {"int": 0, "ext": 0, "s0": 50, "s_sigma_rel": 0}
>>> c = {"rate": 0.5 / 60, "start": 20, "end": -50}
>>> h = [dict(duration=60*60, temp=-10)]
>>> op = OperatingConditions(t_tot=5*3600, cooling=c, holding=h)
Then an instance of the Snowing class can be created:
>>> S = Snowing(k=d, opcond=op)
See tutorial for more information on how to use the spatial model functionalities.
if not isinstance(k, dict):
raise TypeError(f"Input k must be of type dict. Was given {type(k)}.")
elif not all([key in k.keys() for key in HEATFLOW_REQUIREDKEYS]):
raise ValueError(
f"A required key was missing from dictionary k, specifically "
+ f"{set(HEATFLOW_REQUIREDKEYS) - set(k.keys())}."
self.k = k
# for saving the results
self._domain = None
self._prop = None
self._time = None
self._shelfTemp = None
self._temp = None
self._iceMassFraction = None
# dictionary of results
self._stats = {}
# number of repetitions
self.Nrep = Nrep
# dictionary of results for multiple simulations
if self.Nrep > 1:
self._statsMultiple = {}
# path to the parameters file
self.configPath = configPath
# simulation progress
self._simulationStatus = 0
# operating conditions
if not isinstance(opcond, OperatingConditions):
raise TypeError(
"Input opcond must be an instance of class OperatingConditions."
self.opcond = opcond
def configPath(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get configPath property."""
return self._configPath
def configPath(self, value):
"""Set configPath property."""
self.const = calculateDerived(value)
self._configPath = value
def simulationStatus(self) -> int:
"""Return simulation status of instance.
int: Simulation status. 0 = not run, 1 = run.
if (self._simulationStatus == 1) or (self._temp is not None):
self._simulationStatus = 1
return self._simulationStatus
def time(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return time array in the simulation of instance.
np.ndarray: Time array in hours.
assert (self._simulationStatus == 1) or (
self._time is not None
), "Simulation not yet carried out or completed."
return self._time
def temp(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return temperature evolution in the simulation of instance.
np.ndarray: Temperature evolution in °C.
assert (self._simulationStatus == 1) or (
self._temp is not None
), "Simulation not yet carried out or completed."
return self._temp
def shelfTemp(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return shelf temperature evolution in the simulation of instance.
np.ndarray: Shelf temperature evolution in °C.
assert (self._simulationStatus == 1) or (
self._shelfTemp is not None
), "Simulation not yet carried out or completed."
return self._shelfTemp
def iceMassFraction(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return ice mass fraction evolution in simulation of instance.
np.ndarray: Ice mass fraction evolution (no units).
assert (self._simulationStatus == 1) or (
self._iceMassFraction is not None
), "Simulation not yet carried out or completed."
return self._iceMassFraction
def results(self) -> dict:
"""Return minimum, mean, kinetic mean and maximum nucleation temperature
in simulation of instance.
dict: 4 values of nucleation temperature (minimum, kinetic mean,
mean and maximum). Irrelevant for homogeneous model simulation.
assert (
self._simulationStatus == 1
), "Simulation not yet carried out or completed."
if self.Nrep == 1:
self._stats_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self._stats, orient="index").T
return self._stats_df
elif self.Nrep > 1:
self._statsMultiple_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
self._statsMultiple, orient="index"
self._statsMultiple_df.columns = list(self._keys)
return self._statsMultiple_df
# simulate the entire process
[docs] def run(self, how="async"):
# homogeneous model
if self.const["dimensionality"] == "homogeneous":
if self.Nrep == 1:
if how == "sequential":
for i in range(self.Nrep):
elif how == "async":
with mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) as pool:
res = pool.starmap_async(
[(i,) for i in range(self.Nrep)],
self._statsMultiple = {i: r for i, r in enumerate(res)}
self._keys = ["T_nuc", "t_nuc", "t_sol", "t_fr"]
# 1D spatial model
elif self.const["dimensionality"] == "spatial_1D":
if self.Nrep == 1:
if how == "sequential":
for i in range(self.Nrep):
elif how == "async":
with mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) as pool:
res = pool.starmap_async(
[(i,) for i in range(self.Nrep)],
self._statsMultiple = {i: r for i, r in enumerate(res)}
self._keys = [
# 2D spatial model
elif self.const["dimensionality"] == "spatial_2D":
if self.Nrep == 1:
if how == "sequential":
for i in range(self.Nrep):
elif how == "async":
with mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) as pool:
res = pool.starmap_async(
[(i,) for i in range(self.Nrep)],
self._statsMultiple = {i: r for i, r in enumerate(res)}
self._keys = [
# update simulation status
self._simulationStatus = 1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# 0D implementation of the freezing model
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# homogeneous model
def _run_0D(self, seed=0):
# write into local vars for convenience: geometry
A = self.const["A"]
V = self.const["V"]
# density
rho_l = self.const["rho_l"]
# mass of individual components
mass = self.const["mass"]
mass_water = self.const["mass_water"]
mass_solute = self.const["mass_solute"]
# solute mass fraction
w_s = mass_solute / mass
# specific heat capacities
cp_w = self.const["cp_w"]
cp_i = self.const["cp_i"]
cp_s = self.const["cp_s"]
cp_solution = self.const["cp_solution"]
# soluton concentration and freezing-point depression
solid_fraction = self.const["solid_fraction"]
T_m = self.const["T_eq"] + 273.15
k_f = self.const["k_f"]
M_s = self.const["M_s"]
depression = self.const["depression"]
T_eq_l = T_m - depression
# nucleation kinetics
kb = self.const["kb"]
b = self.const["b"]
# latent heat of fusion
Dh = self.const["Dh"]
# heat transfer coefficient shelf
K_shelf = self.k["s0"]
# time step
dt = 0.1 # [s]
# initial temperature
T_0 = self.opcond.cooling["start"] + 273.15
T_k = T_0 # [K] temperature profile at t = T_old
T_new = T_k
# shelf temperature and coooling rate
T_shelf_cool = self.opcond.tempProfile(dt) + 273.15
# preallocation of results array
T_product_cooling = np.zeros_like(T_shelf_cool)
time_cooling = np.zeros_like(T_shelf_cool)
# initial temperature
T_old = T_0
# random numbers
F_rand = np.random.random()
# preallocate the expected number of nuclei
E_t, Nt_cool_end, Nt_sol_end = 0, None, None
# solving for the cooling stage
for i, T_shelf in enumerate(T_shelf_cool):
# computing new temperature
T_new = T_old + dt * (A * K_shelf * (T_shelf - T_old)) / (
cp_solution * mass
# saving results
T_product_cooling[i] = T_new
time_cooling[i] = dt * i
# update temperature
T_old = T_new
# check if nucleation occurs stochastically
J = kb * (T_eq_l - T_new) ** b * (T_eq_l - T_new > 0)
# frequency of nucleation events
K_v = J * V
# expected number of nuclei
E_t += K_v * dt
# CDF of probability
F_nuc = 1 - np.exp(-E_t)
if self.opcond.cnTemp == None:
# Monte-Carlo approach
if F_nuc > F_rand:
Nt_cool_end = i
# controlled nucleation
if T_new <= (self.opcond.cnTemp + 273.15):
Nt_cool_end = i
# check if nucleation occured
if Nt_cool_end is None:
raise ValueError("Nucleation did not occur, prolong process time.")
# final solution arrays for cooling stage
T_product_cooling = T_product_cooling[0:Nt_cool_end]
T_shelf_cooling = T_shelf_cool[0:Nt_cool_end]
time_cooling = time_cooling[0:Nt_cool_end]
# mass fraction of ice over time
w_i_cooling = np.zeros(len(T_shelf_cooling))
# 2. Nucleation phase
t_nuc = Nt_cool_end * dt
T_nuc = T_new
# save nucleation results
self._stats["T_nuc"] = T_nuc - 273.15
self._stats["t_nuc"] = t_nuc / 60
self._stats["t_sol"] = None
self._stats["t_fr"] = None
# solving the quadratic equation
B = -T_m - T_nuc - Dh * mass_water / (cp_solution * mass)
C = (
Dh * mass_water * T_m / (cp_solution * mass)
- mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) * Dh / (cp_solution * mass)
+ T_m * T_nuc
# equilibrium temperatures determined from quadratic equation (A = 1)
T_eq = 0.5 * (-B - np.sqrt(B**2 - 4 * C))
# computed mass of ice from the quadratic equation
m_i_eq = mass_water - mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) / (T_m - T_eq)
# solution of ice nucleation stage
w_i_nucl = m_i_eq / mass
# preallocation
T_product_solid = np.zeros(len(T_shelf_cool[Nt_cool_end:]))
w_i_solid = np.zeros(len(T_shelf_cool[Nt_cool_end:]))
time_solid = np.zeros(len(T_shelf_cool[Nt_cool_end:]))
# saving results of the ice nucleation stage
w_i_solid[0] = w_i_nucl
T_product_solid[0] = T_eq
# shelf temperatures
T_old = T_eq
w_i_new = w_i_nucl
# solidification stage
for i, T_shelf in enumerate(T_shelf_cool[Nt_cool_end:]):
# thermal properties
cp = cp_s * w_s + cp_i * w_i_new + cp_w * (1 - w_s - w_i_new) # [J/kgK]
# temperature computation
T_new = T_old + (
* (A * K_shelf * (T_shelf - T_old))
* (
cp * rho_l * V
+ (Dh * k_f * mass_solute / M_s) * (1 / (T_m - T_old) ** 2)
** -1
# update temperatures
T_old = T_new
# save results
T_product_solid[i] = T_new
time_solid[i] = t_nuc + dt * i
# new ice mass fraction
w_i_new = (mass_water - (k_f * mass_solute / M_s) / (T_m - T_new)) / mass
# solidification sigma
sigma_new = w_i_new * mass / (mass - mass_solute)
# save solidification time
if (self._stats["t_sol"] is None) & (sigma_new >= 0.9):
Nt_sol_end = i
self._stats["t_sol"] = dt * i / 60
self._stats["t_fr"] = (t_nuc + dt * i) / 60
# check if solidification is completed
if Nt_sol_end is None:
raise ValueError("Solidification is not completed, prolong process time.")
# ice mass fraction evolution
w_i_solid = (
mass_water - (k_f * mass_solute / M_s) / (T_m - T_product_solid)
) / mass
# time
time_results = np.concatenate((time_cooling, time_solid), axis=0) / 3600
# temperatures
temp_results = (
np.concatenate((T_product_cooling, T_product_solid), axis=0) - 273.15
shelf_results = T_shelf_cool - 273.15
# ice mass fraction
ice_results = np.concatenate((w_i_cooling, w_i_solid), axis=0)
# save results
self._domain = 0
self._prop = (T_eq_l, w_s)
self._time = time_results
self._shelfTemp = shelf_results
self._temp = temp_results
self._iceMassFraction = ice_results
return [
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# 1D implementation of the freezing model
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# spatial model in 1 dimension
def _run_1D(self, seed=0):
# write into local vars for convenience: geometry
height = self.const["height"]
A = self.const["A"]
V = self.const["V"]
# density
rho_l = self.const["rho_l"]
# mass of individual components
mass = self.const["mass"]
mass_water = self.const["mass_water"]
mass_solute = self.const["mass_solute"]
w_s = mass_solute / mass
# heat conductivities
lambda_w = self.const["lambda_w"]
lambda_i = self.const["lambda_i"]
lambda_s = self.const["lambda_s"]
# specific heat capacities
cp_w = self.const["cp_w"]
cp_i = self.const["cp_i"]
cp_s = self.const["cp_s"]
cp_solution = self.const["cp_solution"]
# soluton concentration and freezing-point depression
solid_fraction = self.const["solid_fraction"]
T_m = self.const["T_eq"] + 273.15
k_f = self.const["k_f"]
M_s = self.const["M_s"]
depression = self.const["depression"]
T_eq_l = T_m - depression
# nucleation kinetics
kb = self.const["kb"]
b = self.const["b"]
# general
k_B = self.const["k_B"]
# latent heat of fusion
Dh = self.const["Dh"]
# heat transfer coefficient shelf
K_shelf = self.k["s0"]
# additional VISF parameters
if self.const["configuration"] == "VISF":
# vacuum pressure
p_vac = self.const["p_vac"]
# evaporation coefficient
kappa = self.const["kappa"]
# latent heat of vaporization for water [J/kg]
dHe = self.const["Dh_evaporation"]
# mass of water molecule [kg]
m_water = self.const["m_water"]
# time for vacuum start [h]
t_vac_start = self.const["t_vac_start"]
# duration of the vacuum [h]
t_vac_duration = self.const["t_vac_duration"]
# [W/mK] effective heat conductivity
lambda_eff = solid_fraction * lambda_s + (1 - solid_fraction) * lambda_w
# heat diffusivity
diffusivity_cooling = lambda_eff / (cp_solution * rho_l)
Nz = 30 # [/] number of spatial grid points
dz = height / Nz # [m] size of spatial step
z = np.linspace(0, height, Nz) # [m] z-position array
# limiting value of alpha for computing dt from CFL condition
alpha_max = lambda_i / (cp_i * rho_l)
# temporal discretization
dt = (
0.4 * dz**2 / alpha_max
) # [s] size of time step (determined by the CFL cond.)
Nt_exp = (
int(np.ceil(self.opcond.t_tot / dt)) + 1
) # the total number of timesteps
# Preallocation of arrays for saving results from the cooling stage.
N_save_cool = 10000
cooling_temp_results = np.zeros((N_save_cool, Nz))
cooling_ice_results = np.zeros((N_save_cool, Nz))
cooling_shelf_results = np.zeros(N_save_cool)
cooling_time_results = np.zeros(N_save_cool)
i_save = 0
# initial temperature
T_0 = self.opcond.cooling["start"] + 273.15
T_k = np.zeros(Nz) + T_0 # [K] temperature profile at t = T_old
# shelf temperature and coooling rate
T_shelf_cool = self.opcond.tempProfile(dt) + 273.15
# random numbers
F_rand = np.random.random()
# preallocate the expected number of nuclei
E_t, Nt_cool_end, Nt_sol_end = 0, None, None
for i, T_shelf in enumerate(T_shelf_cool):
# overall heat flux
q_overall = K_shelf * (T_shelf - T_k[0])
# boundary condition on the bottom of the vial: ghost grid point
T_bottom_BC = T_k[0] + q_overall * dz / lambda_eff
if self.const["configuration"] == "VISF":
# temperature at the top of the liquid
T_l = T_k[-1]
# vapour temperature
T_v = T_k[-1]
# vapour pressure
p_vap = Utils.vapour_pressure_liquid(T_l)
# evaporative heat flux (only in the span of vacuum, hold_2)
if (dt * i > t_vac_start * 3600) & (
dt * i < (t_vac_start + t_vac_duration) * 3600
# vapour flux
N_w = Utils.vapour_flux(kappa, m_water, k_B, p_vac, p_vap, T_l, T_v)
# evaporative heat flux
q_e = -N_w * dHe
q_e = 0
q_e = 0
# boundary condition in the top of the vial
T_top_BC = T_k[Nz - 1] + q_e * dz / lambda_eff
# updating the temperature at the bottom
T_bottom = T_k[0] + (diffusivity_cooling * dt / dz**2) * (
T_k[1] - 2 * T_k[0] + T_bottom_BC
# updating the bulk temperatures
T_center = T_k[1 : Nz - 1] + (diffusivity_cooling * dt / dz**2) * (
T_k[2:Nz] - 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1] + T_k[0 : Nz - 2]
# Top point.
# updating the top temperature
T_top = T_k[Nz - 1] + (diffusivity_cooling * dt / dz**2) * (
T_top_BC - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1] + T_k[Nz - 2]
# update temperatures
T_k = np.concatenate((T_bottom, T_center, T_top), axis=None)
# nucleation rate (global aproach)
superCooledMask = T_k < T_eq_l
J_z = np.zeros(z.shape)
J_z[superCooledMask] = kb * (T_eq_l - T_k[superCooledMask]) ** b
# compute the frequency of nucleation
K_v = A * simps(J_z, z)
# check the range of LCS = LocalSupercooling
LCS_i = T_k < T_eq_l
# the not so supercool part
LCS_i_r = ~LCS_i
# sparsely saving results
if np.mod(i, np.ceil(Nt_exp / N_save_cool)) == 0:
# saving temperature results
cooling_temp_results[i_save, :] = T_k - 273.15
# saving shelf temperature results
cooling_shelf_results[i_save] = T_shelf - 273.15
# ice
cooling_ice_results[i_save] = 0 * T_k
# saving sparse time array
cooling_time_results[i_save] = dt * i
# update saving index
i_save = i_save + 1
# expected number of nuclei
E_t += K_v * dt
# CDF of probability
F_nuc = 1 - np.exp(-E_t)
if self.opcond.cnTemp == None:
# Monte-Carlo approach
if F_nuc > F_rand:
Nt_cool_end = i
t_nuc = dt * i
T_nuc = T_k
# controlled nucleation
if T_k.any() <= (self.opcond.cnTemp + 273.15):
Nt_cool_end = i
t_nuc = dt * i
T_nuc = T_k
# check if nucleation occured
if Nt_cool_end is None:
raise ValueError("Nucleation did not occur, prolong process time.")
# kinetic mean nucleation temperature
T_nuc_kin = (A / K_v) * simps(T_nuc * J_z, z)
# save nucleation temperatures
self._stats = {
"T_nuc_min": T_nuc.min() - 273.15,
"T_nuc_kin": T_nuc_kin - 273.15,
"T_nuc_mean": np.mean(T_nuc) - 273.15,
"T_nuc_max": T_nuc.max() - 273.15,
# save nucleation time
self._stats["t_nuc"] = t_nuc / 60
self._stats["t_sol"] = None
self._stats["t_fr"] = None
" 2. Ice nucleation stage. "
# solving the quadratic equation (vectorized (A = 1)
B = -T_m - T_nuc - Dh * mass_water / (cp_solution * mass)
C = (
Dh * mass_water * T_m / (cp_solution * mass)
- mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) * Dh / (cp_solution * mass)
+ T_m * T_nuc
# lcoal supercooling
LCS_i = T_k < T_eq_l
# the not so supercool part
LCS_i_r = ~LCS_i
# equilibrium temperatures determined from quadratic equation (A = 1)
T_eq_sol_1 = 0.5 * (-B - np.sqrt(B**2 - 4 * C))
# temperaure field after nucleation
T_after_nuc = T_k * LCS_i_r + T_eq_sol_1 * LCS_i
# computed mass of ice from the quadratic equation (T_k used just to get
# the same dimensions)
m_i_nucl_sol_1 = mass_water - mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) / (T_m - T_eq_sol_1)
m_i_eq = 0 * T_k * LCS_i_r + m_i_nucl_sol_1 * LCS_i
# save temperature profile after nucleation
cooling_temp_results[i_save, :] = T_after_nuc - 273.15
# saving shelf temperature results
cooling_shelf_results[i_save] = T_shelf - 273.15
# ice
cooling_ice_results[i_save] = m_i_eq / (mass_water + mass_solute)
# saving sparse time array
cooling_time_results[i_save] = dt * i
i_end = i
i_save_end = i_save
" 3. Solidification stage. "
N_save_solid = 10000
# arrays of temperature
T_k = T_after_nuc # [K] temperature profile at t = T_old
# array of ice mass fractions
w_i_k = m_i_eq / (mass_water + mass_solute)
Nt_solid = Nt_exp - i_end
# Preallocation of arrays for saving results from the cooling stage.
solid_temp_results = np.zeros((N_save_solid, Nz))
solid_ice_results = np.zeros((N_save_solid, Nz))
solid_shelf_results = np.zeros(N_save_solid)
solid_time_results = np.zeros(N_save_solid)
i_save = 0
# FDM scheme for solving the heat conduction equation
for i, T_shelf in enumerate(T_shelf_cool[i_end:]):
# local supercooling
LCS_i = T_k < T_eq_l
# the not so supercool part
LCS_i_r = ~LCS_i
" Thermal properties. "
# heat capacity
cp_solution = (
cp_s * solid_fraction
+ cp_i * w_i_k
+ cp_w * (1 - solid_fraction - w_i_k)
# heat conductivity
lambda_eff = lambda_i * w_i_k + lambda_w * (1 - w_i_k)
# nonlinear capacitance term
beta = Dh * k_f * mass_solute / (M_s * rho_l * V * cp_solution)
# total nonlinear capacitance term
BETA = np.ones(Nz) * LCS_i_r + (1 + beta / (T_k - T_m) ** 2) * LCS_i
" Boundary condition at the bottom, z = 0."
# overall heat flux
q_overall = K_shelf * (T_shelf - T_k[0])
# boundary condition on the bottom of the vial: ghost grid point
T_bottom_BC = T_k[0] + q_overall * dz / lambda_eff[0]
if self.const["configuration"] == "VISF":
# temperature at the top of the liquid
T_l = T_k[-1]
# vapour temperature
T_v = T_k[-1]
# vapour pressure
p_vap = Utils.vapour_pressure_solid(T_l)
# evaporative heat flux (only in the span of vacuum, hold_2)
if (t_nuc + dt * i > t_vac_start * 3600) & (
t_nuc + dt * i < (t_vac_start + t_vac_duration) * 3600
# vapour flux
N_w = Utils.vapour_flux(kappa, m_water, k_B, p_vac, p_vap, T_l, T_v)
# evaporative heat flux
q_e = -N_w * dHe
q_e = 0
q_e = 0
" Boundary condition at the top, z = height."
# boundary condition in the top of the vial
T_top_BC = T_k[Nz - 1] + q_e * dz / lambda_eff[Nz - 1]
" Bottom point. "
# update the point at the bottom
T_bottom = T_k[0] + (dt / (cp_solution[0] * rho_l)) * (
(lambda_eff[1] - lambda_eff[0]) * (T_k[1] - T_bottom_BC) / (4 * dz**2)
+ lambda_eff[0] * (T_k[1] - 2 * T_k[0] + T_bottom_BC) / dz**2
) * BETA[0] ** (-1)
" Center points. "
# update the bulk points
T_center = T_k[1 : Nz - 1] + (dt / (cp_solution[1 : Nz - 1] * rho_l)) * (
(lambda_eff[2:Nz] - lambda_eff[0 : Nz - 2])
* (T_k[2:Nz] - T_k[0 : Nz - 2])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ lambda_eff[1 : Nz - 1]
* (T_k[2:Nz] - 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1] + T_k[0 : Nz - 2])
/ dz**2
) * BETA[1 : Nz - 1] ** (-1)
" Top point. "
# update the temperature at the top
T_top = T_k[Nz - 1] + (dt / (cp_solution[Nz - 1] * rho_l)) * (
(lambda_eff[Nz - 1] - lambda_eff[Nz - 2])
* (T_top_BC - T_k[Nz - 2])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ lambda_eff[Nz - 1]
* (T_top_BC - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1] + T_k[Nz - 2])
/ dz**2
) * BETA[Nz - 1] ** (-1)
" Processing the results I: temperatures. "
# update temperatures
T_k = np.concatenate((T_bottom, T_center, T_top), axis=None)
" Check for local supercooling. "
# check the range of LCS
LCS_i = np.where(T_k < T_eq_l, 1, 0)
# the not so supercool region
LCS_i_r = np.where(LCS_i, 0, 1)
" Processing the results II: ice mass fractions. "
# ice mass distribution
m_ice = (
np.zeros(Nz) * LCS_i_r
+ (mass_water - mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) / (T_m - T_k)) * LCS_i
# ice mass fraction distribution
w_i_k = m_ice / mass
" Saving results of the cooling stage. "
# sparse saving
if np.mod(i, np.ceil(Nt_solid / N_save_solid)) == 0:
# temperature results
solid_temp_results[i_save, :] = T_k - 273.15
# ice mass fraction results
solid_ice_results[i_save, :] = w_i_k
# shelf temperature results
solid_shelf_results[i_save] = T_shelf - 273.15
# saving sparse time array
solid_time_results[i_save] = t_nuc + dt * i
# updating saving index
i_save = i_save + 1
# solidification sigma
sigma_new = (1 / z[-1]) * simps(m_ice, z) / (mass - mass_solute)
# save solidification time
if (self._stats["t_sol"] is None) & (sigma_new >= 0.9):
Nt_sol_end = i
self._stats["t_sol"] = dt * i / 60
self._stats["t_fr"] = (t_nuc + dt * i) / 60
# check if solidification is completed
if Nt_sol_end is None:
raise ValueError("Solidification is not completed, prolong process time.")
# temperature distributions in the product
temp_results = np.concatenate(
cooling_temp_results[: i_save_end + 1, :],
solid_temp_results[: i_save - 1, :],
# ice mass fraction results
ice_results = np.concatenate(
cooling_ice_results[: i_save_end + 1, :],
solid_ice_results[: i_save - 1, :],
# total time array
time_results = (
cooling_time_results[: i_save_end + 1],
solid_time_results[: i_save - 1],
/ 3600
# total shelf temperature array
shelf_results = np.concatenate(
cooling_shelf_results[: i_save_end + 1],
solid_shelf_results[: i_save - 1],
# save results
self._domain = z
self._nuc = (t_nuc, T_nuc)
self._prop = (T_eq_l, w_s)
self._time = time_results
self._shelfTemp = shelf_results
self._temp = temp_results
self._iceMassFraction = ice_results
return [
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# 2D implementation of the freezing model
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# spatial model in 2 dimensions
def _run_2D(self, seed=0):
# write into local vars for convenience: geometry
height = self.const["height"]
diameter = self.const["diameter"]
V = self.const["V"]
radius = diameter / 2
# density
rho_l = self.const["rho_l"]
# mass of individual components
mass = self.const["mass"]
mass_water = self.const["mass_water"]
mass_solute = self.const["mass_solute"]
w_s = mass_solute / mass
# heat conductivities
lambda_w = self.const["lambda_w"]
lambda_i = self.const["lambda_i"]
lambda_s = self.const["lambda_s"]
# specific heat capacities
cp_w = self.const["cp_w"]
cp_i = self.const["cp_i"]
cp_s = self.const["cp_s"]
cp_solution = self.const["cp_solution"]
# soluton concentration and freezing-point depression
solid_fraction = self.const["solid_fraction"]
T_m = self.const["T_eq"] + 273.15
k_f = self.const["k_f"]
M_s = self.const["M_s"]
depression = self.const["depression"]
T_eq_l = T_m - depression
# nucleation kinetics
kb = self.const["kb"]
b = self.const["b"]
# general
k_B = self.const["k_B"]
# latent heat of fusion
Dh = self.const["Dh"]
# shelf heat transfer coefficient
K_shelf = self.k["s0"]
# additional VISF parameters
if self.const["configuration"] == "VISF":
# vacuum pressure
p_vac = self.const["p_vac"]
# evaporation coefficient
kappa = self.const["kappa"]
# latent heat of vaporization for water [J/kg]
dHe = self.const["Dh_evaporation"]
# mass of water molecule [kg]
m_water = self.const["m_water"]
# time for vacuum start [h]
t_vac_start = self.const["t_vac_start"]
# duration of the vacuum [h]
t_vac_duration = self.const["t_vac_duration"]
# additional jacket-ramped freezing parameters
if self.const["configuration"] == "jacket":
# vacuum pressure
air_gap = self.const["air_gap"]
# evaporation coefficient
lambda_air = self.const["lambda_air"]
# compute the wall heat transfer coefficient
K_wall = (1 / K_shelf + air_gap / lambda_air) ** (-1) # [W/m2K]
# [W/mK] effective heat conductivity
k_eff = solid_fraction * lambda_s + (1 - solid_fraction) * lambda_w
# heat diffusivity
alpha = k_eff / (cp_solution * rho_l)
Nz = 30 # [/] number of spatial grid points
dz = height / Nz # [m] size of spatial step
z = np.linspace(0, height, Nz) # [m] z-position array
# spatal discretization in the radial direction
Nr = 15 # [/] number of spatial grid
dr = radius / Nr # [m] size of spatial step
r = np.linspace(0, radius, Nr) # [m] z-position array
# limiting value of alpha for computing dt from CFL condition
alpha_max = lambda_i / (cp_i * rho_l)
# temporal discretization
dt = (
(0.4 / alpha_max) * (dz**2 * dr**2) / (dr**2 + dz**2)
) # [s] size of time step
Nt_exp = (
int(np.ceil(self.opcond.t_tot / dt)) + 1
) # the total number of timesteps
# Preallocation of arrays for saving results from the cooling stage.
N_save_cool = 10000
cooling_temp_results = np.zeros((N_save_cool, Nz, Nr))
cooling_ice_results = np.zeros((N_save_cool, Nz, Nr))
cooling_shelf_results = np.zeros(N_save_cool)
cooling_time_results = np.zeros(N_save_cool)
i_save = 0
# initial temperature
T_0 = self.opcond.cooling["start"] + 273.15
T_k = np.zeros((Nz, Nr)) + T_0 # [K] temperature profile at t = T_old
T_new = T_k
# shelf temperature and coooling rate
T_shelf_cool = self.opcond.tempProfile(dt) + 273.15
# random numbers
F_rand = np.random.random()
# preallocate the expected number of nuclei
E_t, Nt_cool_end, Nt_sol_end = 0, None, None
# finite difference method for solving the heat conduction equation
for i, T_shelf in enumerate(T_shelf_cool):
"Boundary condition at the bottom, z = 0."
# overall heat flux
q_overall = K_shelf * (T_shelf - T_k[0, :])
# boundary condition on the bottom of the vial: ghost grid point
T_bottom = T_k[0, :] + q_overall * dz / k_eff
if self.const["configuration"] == "VISF":
# temperature at the top of the liquid
T_l = T_k[-1, :]
# vapour temperature
T_v = T_k[-1, :]
# vapour pressure
p_vap = Utils.vapour_pressure_solid(T_l)
# evaporative heat flux (only in the span of vacuum, hold_2)
if (dt * i > t_vac_start * 3600) & (
dt * i < (t_vac_start + t_vac_duration) * 3600
# vapour flux
N_w = Utils.vapour_flux(kappa, m_water, k_B, p_vac, p_vap, T_l, T_v)
# evaporative heat flux
q_e = -N_w * dHe
q_e = 0
q_e = 0
# boundary condition in the top of the vial
T_top = T_k[Nz - 1, :] + q_e * dz / k_eff
" Boundary conditions at the edge, r = R. "
if self.const["configuration"] == "jacket":
# jacket heat flux
q_jacket = K_wall * (T_shelf - T_k[:, Nr - 1])
# no cooling from jacket
q_jacket = 0
# boundary condition in the top of the vial
T_edge = T_k[:, Nr - 1] + q_jacket * dz / k_eff
" Boundary condition in the centre, r = 0. "
# axial symmetry
T_center = T_k[:, 0]
" Bottom boundary points: z = 0. "
# bottom-centre: r = 0
T_new[0, 0] = T_k[0, 0] + alpha * dt * (
2 * (T_k[0, 1] - 2 * T_k[0, 0] + T_center[0]) / dr**2
+ (T_k[1, 0] - 2 * T_k[0, 0] + T_bottom[0]) / dz**2
# bottom corner (left or right - symmetry): r = R
T_new[0, Nr - 1] = T_k[0, Nr - 1] + alpha * dt * (
(1 / r[Nr - 1]) * (T_edge[0] - T_k[0, Nr - 2]) / (2 * dr)
+ (T_edge[0] - 2 * T_k[0, Nr - 1] + T_k[0, Nr - 2]) / dr**2
+ (T_k[1, Nr - 1] - 2 * T_k[0, Nr - 1] + T_bottom[Nr - 1]) / dz**2
# the rest of the bottom: 0 < r < R
T_new[0, 1 : Nr - 1] = T_k[0, 1 : Nr - 1] + alpha * dt * (
(1 / r[1 : Nr - 1]) * (T_k[0, 2:Nr] - T_k[0, 0 : Nr - 2]) / (2 * dr)
+ (T_k[0, 2:Nr] - 2 * T_k[0, 1 : Nr - 1] + T_k[0, 0 : Nr - 2]) / dr**2
+ (T_k[1, 1 : Nr - 1] - 2 * T_k[0, 1 : Nr - 1] + T_bottom[1 : Nr - 1])
/ dz**2
" Top boundary points: z = H. "
# top centre: r = 0
T_new[Nz - 1, 0] = T_k[Nz - 1, 0] + alpha * dt * (
2 * (T_k[Nz - 1, 1] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 0] + T_center[-1]) / dr**2
+ (T_top[0] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 0] + T_k[Nz - 2, 0]) / dz**2
# top corner (left and right - symmetry): r = R
T_new[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] = T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + alpha * dt * (
(1 / r[Nr - 1]) * (T_edge[Nz - 1] - T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 2]) / (2 * dr)
+ (T_edge[Nz - 1] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
/ dr**2
+ (T_top[Nr - 1] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + T_k[Nz - 2, Nr - 1])
/ dz**2
# the rest of the vial's top: 0 < r < R
T_new[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] = T_k[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] + alpha * dt * (
(1 / r[1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_k[Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - T_k[Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (
T_k[Nz - 1, 2:Nr]
- 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2]
/ dr**2
+ (
T_top[1 : Nr - 1]
- 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1]
/ dz**2
" Edge boundary points: r = R. "
# curved cylinder surface in contact with air: 0 < z < H
T_new[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1] = T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + alpha * dt * (
(1 / r[Nr - 1])
* (T_edge[1 : Nz - 1] - T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (
T_edge[1 : Nz - 1]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
+ T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 2]
/ dr**2
+ (
T_k[2:Nz, Nr - 1]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
+ T_k[0 : Nz - 2, Nr - 1]
/ dz**2
" Center boundary points: r = 0. "
# symmetry boundary condition in the centre of the cylinder: 0 < z < H
T_new[1 : Nz - 1, 0] = T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0] + alpha * dt * (
* (T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1] - 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0] + T_center[1 : Nz - 1])
/ dr**2
+ (T_k[2:Nz, 0] - 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0] + T_k[0 : Nz - 2, 0]) / dz**2
" Bulk of the vial points: : 0 < z < H & 0 < r < R. "
# all the other points in the domain
T_new[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] = T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] + alpha * dt * (
(1 / r[1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (
T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 2:Nr]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2]
/ dr**2
+ (
T_k[2:Nz, 1 : Nr - 1]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[0 : Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1]
/ dz**2
" Processing the results of the time iteration. "
# update temperatures
T_k = T_new
# Stochastic nucleation for the entire vial.
# nucleation rate (global aproach)
superCooledMask = T_k < T_eq_l
J_z_r = np.zeros((Nz, Nr))
J_z_r[superCooledMask] = kb * (T_eq_l - T_k[superCooledMask]) ** b
# frequency of nucleation events itegrated over z
K_r = 2 * np.pi * simps(r * J_z_r, r)
# frequency of nucleation events itegrated over r
K_v = simps(K_r, z)
# Check for local supercooling.
# check the range of LCS = LocalSupercooling
LCS_i = T_k < T_eq_l
# the not so supercool part
LCS_i_r = ~LCS_i
# Saving results of the cooling stage.
# sparsely saving results
if np.mod(i, np.ceil(Nt_exp / N_save_cool)) == 0:
# saving temperature results
cooling_temp_results[i_save, :, :] = T_k - 273.15
# saving shelf temperature results
cooling_shelf_results[i_save] = T_shelf - 273.15
# ice
cooling_ice_results[i_save, :, :] = 0 * T_k
# saving sparse time array
cooling_time_results[i_save] = dt * i
# update saving index
i_save = i_save + 1
# expected number of nuclei
E_t += K_v * dt
# CDF of probability
F_nuc = 1 - np.exp(-E_t)
if self.opcond.cnTemp == None:
# Monte-Carlo approach
if F_nuc > F_rand:
Nt_cool_end = i
t_nuc = dt * i
T_nuc = T_k
# controlled nucleation
if T_k.any() <= (self.opcond.cnTemp + 273.15):
Nt_cool_end = i
t_nuc = dt * i
T_nuc = T_k
# check if nucleation occured
if Nt_cool_end is None:
raise ValueError("Nucleation did not occur, prolong process time.")
# compute the mean kinetic mean nucleation temperature
f_z = 2 * np.pi * simps(r * T_nuc * J_z_r, r)
T_nuc_kin = (1 / K_v) * simps(f_z, z)
# save nucleation temperatures
self._stats = {
"T_nuc_min": T_nuc.min() - 273.15,
"T_nuc_kin": T_nuc_kin - 273.15,
"T_nuc_mean": np.mean(T_nuc) - 273.15,
"T_nuc_max": T_nuc.max() - 273.15,
# save nucleation time
self._stats["t_nuc"] = t_nuc / 60
self._stats["t_sol"] = None
self._stats["t_fr"] = None
# solving the quadratic equation (vectorized (A = 1)
B = -T_m - T_nuc - Dh * mass_water / (cp_solution * mass)
C = (
Dh * mass_water * T_m / (cp_solution * mass)
- mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) * Dh / (cp_solution * mass)
+ T_m * T_nuc
# lcoal supercooling
LCS_i = T_k < T_eq_l
# the not so supercool part
LCS_i_r = ~LCS_i
# equilibrium temperatures determined from quadratic equation (A = 1)
T_eq_sol_1 = 0.5 * (-B - np.sqrt(B**2 - 4 * C))
# temperaure field after nucleation
T_after_nuc = T_k * LCS_i_r + T_eq_sol_1 * LCS_i
# computed mass of ice from the quadratic equation (T_k used just to get
# the same dimensions)
m_i_nucl_sol_1 = mass_water - mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) / (T_m - T_eq_sol_1)
m_i_eq = 0 * T_k * LCS_i_r + m_i_nucl_sol_1 * LCS_i
cooling_temp_results[i_save, :, :] = T_after_nuc - 273.15
# saving shelf temperature results
cooling_shelf_results[i_save] = T_shelf - 273.15
# ice
cooling_ice_results[i_save] = m_i_eq / (mass_water + mass_solute)
# saving sparse time array
cooling_time_results[i_save] = dt * i
i_end = i
i_save_end = i_save
N_save_solid = 10000
# arrays of temperature
T_k = T_after_nuc # [K] temperature profile at t = T_old
# array of ice mass fractions
w_i_new = m_i_eq / (mass_water + mass_solute)
Nt_solid = Nt_exp - i_end
# Preallocation of arrays for saving results from the cooling stage.
solid_temp_results = np.zeros((N_save_solid, Nz, Nr))
solid_ice_results = np.zeros((N_save_solid, Nz, Nr))
solid_shelf_results = np.zeros(N_save_solid)
solid_time_results = np.zeros(N_save_solid)
i_save = 0
# FDM scheme for solving the heat conduction equation
for i, T_shelf in enumerate(T_shelf_cool[i_end:]):
# thermal properties
# heat capacity
cp_eff = (
cp_s * solid_fraction
+ cp_i * w_i_new
+ cp_w * (1 - solid_fraction - w_i_new)
# heat conductivity
k_eff = lambda_i * w_i_new + lambda_w * (1 - w_i_new)
# heat diffusivity
alpha = k_eff / (cp_eff * rho_l)
# beta parameter beta = beta(t,z,r)
beta = Dh * k_f * mass_solute / (M_s * rho_l * V * cp_eff)
# the total nonlinear capacitance term
BETA = np.ones((Nz, Nr)) * LCS_i_r + (1 + beta / (T_k - T_m) ** 2) * LCS_i
# Boundary condition at the bottom, z = 0.
# overall heat flux
q_overall = K_shelf * (T_shelf - T_k[0, :])
# q_overall = sigma_B*(T_shelf**4 - T_old[0,:]**4)
# boundary condition on the bottom of the vial: ghost grid point
T_bottom = T_k[0, :] + q_overall * dz / k_eff[0, :]
if self.const["configuration"] == "VISF":
# temperature at the top of the liquid
T_l = T_k[-1, :]
# vapour temperature
T_v = T_k[-1, :]
# vapour pressure
p_vap = Utils.vapour_pressure_solid(T_l)
# evaporative heat flux (only in the span of vacuum, hold_2)
if (t_nuc + dt * i > t_vac_start * 3600) & (
t_nuc + dt * i < (t_vac_start + t_vac_duration) * 3600
# vapour flux
N_w = Utils.vapour_flux(kappa, m_water, k_B, p_vac, p_vap, T_l, T_v)
# evaporative heat flux
q_e = -N_w * dHe
q_e = 0
q_e = 0
# boundary condition in the top of the vial
T_top = T_k[Nz - 1, :] + q_e * dz / k_eff[Nz - 1, :]
# boundary condition at the side of the vial
if self.const["configuration"] == "jacket":
# jacket heat flux
q_jacket = K_wall * (T_shelf - T_k[:, Nr - 1])
# no cooling from jacket
q_jacket = 0
# boundary condition in the top of the vial
T_edge = T_k[:, Nr - 1] + q_jacket * dz / k_eff[:, Nr - 1]
# Boundary condition in the centre, r = 0.
# axial symmetry
T_center = T_k[:, 0]
# Bottom boundary points: z = 0.
# bottom-centre: r = 0
T_new[0, 0] = T_k[0, 0] + (dt / (cp_eff[0, 0] * rho_l)) * (
2 * k_eff[0, 0] * (T_k[0, 1] - 2 * T_k[0, 0] + T_center[0]) / dr**2
+ (k_eff[0, 1] - k_eff[0, 0]) * (T_k[0, 1] - T_center[0]) / (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[1, 0] - k_eff[0, 0]) * (T_k[1, 0] - T_bottom[0]) / (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[0, 0] * (T_k[1, 0] - 2 * T_k[0, 0] + T_bottom[0]) / dz**2
) * BETA[0, 0] ** (-1)
# bottom corner (left or right - symmetry): r = R
T_new[0, Nr - 1] = T_k[0, Nr - 1] + (dt / (cp_eff[0, Nr - 1] * rho_l)) * (
(k_eff[0, Nr - 1] / r[Nr - 1]) * (T_edge[0] - T_k[0, Nr - 2]) / (2 * dr)
+ (k_eff[0, Nr - 1] - k_eff[0, Nr - 2])
* (T_edge[0] - T_k[0, Nr - 1])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[1, Nr - 1] - k_eff[0, Nr - 1])
* (T_k[1, Nr - 1] - T_bottom[Nr - 1])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[0, Nr - 1]
* (T_edge[0] - 2 * T_k[0, Nr - 1] + T_k[0, Nr - 2])
/ dr**2
+ k_eff[0, Nr - 1]
* (T_k[1, Nr - 1] - 2 * T_k[0, Nr - 1] + T_bottom[Nr - 1])
/ dz**2
) * BETA[0, Nr - 1] ** (-1)
# the rest of the bottom: 0 < r < R
T_new[0, 1 : Nr - 1] = T_k[0, 1 : Nr - 1] + (
dt / (cp_eff[0, 1 : Nr - 1] * rho_l)
) * (
(k_eff[0, 1 : Nr - 1] / r[1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_k[0, 2:Nr] - T_k[0, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (k_eff[0, 2:Nr] - k_eff[0, 0 : Nr - 2])
* (T_k[0, 2:Nr] - T_k[0, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[1, 1 : Nr - 1] - k_eff[0, 1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_k[1, 1 : Nr - 1] - T_bottom[1 : Nr - 1])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[0, 1 : Nr - 1]
* (T_k[0, 2:Nr] - 2 * T_k[0, 1 : Nr - 1] + T_k[0, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ dr**2
+ k_eff[0, 1 : Nr - 1]
* (T_k[1, 1 : Nr - 1] - 2 * T_k[0, 1 : Nr - 1] + T_bottom[1 : Nr - 1])
/ dz**2
) * BETA[
0, 1 : Nr - 1
] ** (
# Top boundary points: z = H.
# top centre: r = 0
T_new[Nz - 1, 0] = T_k[Nz - 1, 0] + (dt / (cp_eff[Nz - 1, 0] * rho_l)) * (
* k_eff[Nz - 1, 0]
* (T_k[Nz - 1, 1] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 0] + T_center[Nz - 1])
/ dr**2
+ (k_eff[Nz - 1, 1] - k_eff[Nz - 1, 0])
* (T_k[Nz - 1, 1] - T_center[Nz - 1])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[Nz - 1, 0] - k_eff[Nz - 2, 0])
* (T_top[0] - T_k[Nz - 2, 0])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[Nz - 1, 0]
* (T_top[0] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 0] + T_k[Nz - 2, 0])
/ dz**2
) * BETA[Nz - 1, 0] ** (-1)
# top edge corner (left or right - symmetry): r = R
T_new[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] = T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + (
dt / (cp_eff[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] * rho_l)
) * (
(k_eff[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] / r[Nr - 1])
* (T_edge[Nz - 1] - T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (k_eff[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] - k_eff[Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
* (T_edge[Nz - 1] - T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] - k_eff[Nz - 2, Nr - 1])
* (T_top[Nr - 1] - T_k[Nz - 2, Nr - 1])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
* (T_edge[Nz - 1] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
/ dr**2
+ k_eff[Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
* (T_top[Nr - 1] - 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + T_k[Nz - 2, Nr - 1])
/ dz**2
) * BETA[
Nz - 1, Nr - 1
] ** (
# the rest of the vial's top: 0 < r < R
T_new[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] = T_k[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] + (
dt / (cp_eff[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] * rho_l)
) * (
(k_eff[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] / r[1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_k[Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - T_k[Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (k_eff[Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - k_eff[Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
* (T_k[Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - T_k[Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] - k_eff[Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_top[1 : Nr - 1] - T_k[Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
* (
T_k[Nz - 1, 2:Nr]
- 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2]
/ dr**2
+ k_eff[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
* (
T_top[1 : Nr - 1]
- 2 * T_k[Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1]
/ dz**2
) * BETA[
Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1
] ** (
# Outer boundary points: r = R.
# curved cylinder surface in contact with air: 0 < z < H
T_new[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1] = T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1] + (
dt / (cp_eff[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1] * rho_l)
) * (
(k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1] / r[Nr - 1])
* (T_edge[1 : Nz - 1] - T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1] - k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
* (T_edge[1 : Nz - 1] - T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 2])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[2:Nz, Nr - 1] - k_eff[0 : Nz - 2, Nr - 1])
* (T_k[2:Nz, Nr - 1] - T_k[0 : Nz - 2, Nr - 1])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
* (
T_edge[1 : Nz - 1]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
+ T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 2]
/ dr**2
+ k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
* (
T_k[2:Nz, Nr - 1]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1]
+ T_k[0 : Nz - 2, Nr - 1]
/ dz**2
) * BETA[
1 : Nz - 1, Nr - 1
] ** (
# Center boundary points: r = R.
# symmetry boundary condition in the centre of the cylinder: 0 < z < H
T_new[1 : Nz - 1, 0] = T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0] + (
dt / (cp_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 0] * rho_l)
) * (
* k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 0]
* (T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1] - 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0] + T_center[1 : Nz - 1])
/ dr**2
+ (k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 1] - k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 0])
* (T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1] - T_center[1 : Nz - 1])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[2:Nz, 0] - k_eff[0 : Nz - 2, 0])
* (T_k[2:Nz, 0] - T_k[0 : Nz - 2, 0])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 0]
* (T_k[2:Nz, 0] - 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0] + T_k[0 : Nz - 2, 0])
/ dz**2
) * BETA[
1 : Nz - 1, 0
] ** (
# Bulk of the vial points: : 0 < z < H & 0 < r < R.
# all the other points in the domain
T_new[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] = T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] + (
dt / (cp_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] * rho_l)
) * (
(k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1] / r[1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (2 * dr)
+ (k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
* (T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 2:Nr] - T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2])
/ (4 * dr**2)
+ (k_eff[2:Nz, 1 : Nr - 1] - k_eff[0 : Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1])
* (T_k[2:Nz, 1 : Nr - 1] - T_k[0 : Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1])
/ (4 * dz**2)
+ k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
* (
T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 2:Nr]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 0 : Nr - 2]
/ dr**2
+ k_eff[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
* (
T_k[2:Nz, 1 : Nr - 1]
- 2 * T_k[1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1]
+ T_k[0 : Nz - 2, 1 : Nr - 1]
/ dz**2
) * BETA[
1 : Nz - 1, 1 : Nr - 1
] ** (
# update temperatures
T_k = T_new
# Check for local supercooling.
LCS_i = T_k < T_eq_l
# the not so supercool part
LCS_i_r = ~LCS_i
# ice mass distribution
m_ice = (
np.zeros((Nz, Nr)) * LCS_i_r
+ (mass_water - mass_solute * (k_f / M_s) / (T_m - T_new)) * LCS_i
# ice mass fraction distribution
w_i_new = m_ice / (mass_water + mass_solute)
# sparse saving
if np.mod(i, np.ceil(Nt_solid / N_save_solid)) == 0:
# saving temperature profiles
solid_temp_results[i_save, :, :] = T_new - 273.15
# saving ice mass fractions
solid_ice_results[i_save, :, :] = w_i_new
# shelf temperature
solid_shelf_results[i_save] = T_shelf - 273.15
# saving sparse time array
solid_time_results[i_save] = t_nuc + dt * i
# update saving index
i_save = i_save + 1
# solidification sigma
w_i_r = 2 * np.pi * simps(r * w_i_new, r)
w_i = simps(w_i_r, z)
sigma_new = (
(1 / (np.pi * r[-1] ** 2 * z[-1])) * w_i * mass / (mass - mass_solute)
# save solidification time
if (self._stats["t_sol"] is None) & (sigma_new >= 0.9):
Nt_sol_end = i
self._stats["t_sol"] = dt * i / 60
self._stats["t_fr"] = (t_nuc + dt * i) / 60
# check if solidification is completed
if Nt_sol_end is None:
raise ValueError("Solidification is not completed, prolong process time.")
# temperature distributions in the product
temp_results = np.concatenate(
cooling_temp_results[: i_save_end + 1, :],
solid_temp_results[: i_save - 1, :],
# ice mass fraction results
ice_results = np.concatenate(
cooling_ice_results[: i_save_end + 1, :],
solid_ice_results[: i_save - 1, :],
# total time array
time_results = (
cooling_time_results[: i_save_end + 1],
solid_time_results[: i_save - 1],
/ 3600
# total shelf temperature array
shelf_results = np.concatenate(
cooling_shelf_results[: i_save_end + 1],
solid_shelf_results[: i_save - 1],
# save reuslts
self._domain = (z, r)
self._prop = (T_eq_l, w_s)
self._nuc = (t_nuc, T_nuc)
self._time = time_results
self._shelfTemp = shelf_results
self._temp = temp_results
self._iceMassFraction = ice_results
return [
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Plotting functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# plot distribution of the desired variable
[docs] def plot_cdf(self, what: str = "t_nuc", comp: bool = False):
"""Create CDF plots for Snowing object.
what (str, optional): What to plot, i.e., keys of the stats dict.
Valid options are t_nuc, T_nuc, t_sol, t_fr.
Defaults to "t_nuc". Also accepting t_nucleation, T_nucleation
and t_solidification.
comp (bool, optional): If complementary CDF is plotted. Defaults to False.
what (str, optional): What to plot, i.e., keys of the stats dict.
Valid options are t_nuc, T_nuc, t_sol, t_fr.
Defaults to "t_nuc". Also accepting t_nucleation, T_nucleation
and t_solidification.
NotImplementedError: This plot not available for single vial simulation.
# plot settings
"axes.axisbelow": True,
"xtick.direction": "in",
"ytick.direction": "in",
"xtick.bottom": True,
"xtick.top": True,
"ytick.left": True,
"ytick.right": True,
# enable this plot only for Nrep > 1
if self.Nrep <= 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
"This plot only available for multiple simulations. "
+ "Run with Nrep > 1."
# plot settings
"lines.linewidth": 3,
"axes.axisbelow": True,
"xtick.direction": "in",
"ytick.direction": "in",
"xtick.bottom": True,
"xtick.top": True,
"ytick.left": True,
"ytick.right": True,
# align the names with Snowfall and Snowflake
if what == "t_nucleation":
what = "t_nuc"
elif what == "T_nucleation":
what = "T_nuc"
elif what == "t_solidification":
what = "t_sol"
# if nucleation temperatures requested change complementary to True
if what == "T_nuc":
comp = True
# get data
self._statsMultiple_df = self.results
# plot attributes
if what == "T_nuc":
plt.xlabel("nucleation temperature, $T^{nuc}$ [°C]")
plt.ylabel("nucleation temperature CDF, $F_{nT}$ [K$^{-1}$]")
elif what == "t_nuc":
plt.xlabel("nucleation time, $t^{nuc}$ [min]")
plt.ylabel("nucleation time CDF, $F_{nt}$ [min$^{-1}$]")
elif what == "t_sol":
plt.xlabel("solidification time, $t^{sol}$ [min]")
plt.ylabel("solidification time CDF, $F_{sol}$ [min$^{-1}$]")
elif what == "t_fr":
plt.xlabel("complete freezing time, $t^{fr}$ [min]")
plt.ylabel("frrozen product time CDF, $F_{fr}$ [min$^{-1}$]")
raise ValueError(
'Property to plot incorrectly specified. Use "T_nuc", "t_nuc", "t_sol" or "t_fr" instead.'
# plot different nucleation temperatures for spatial models
if (self.const["dimensionality"] != "homogeneous") & (what == "T_nuc"):
self._data_df_Tnuc = self._statsMultiple_df[
["T_nuc_min", "T_nuc_kin", "T_nuc_mean", "T_nuc_max"]
sns.ecdfplot(data=self._data_df_Tnuc, complementary=comp)
# in other cases, just plot the desired quantity
sns.ecdfplot(data=self._statsMultiple_df, x=what, complementary=comp)
plt.grid(axis="both", color="lightgray", linestyle="solid")
plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
# plot the stats (categorical plots) of whichever desired variable
[docs] def plot(self, what: str = "t_nuc", kind: str = "box"):
"""Create categorical plots for Snowing object.
what (str, optional): What to plot, i.e., keys of the stats dict.
Valid options are t_nuc, T_nuc, t_sol, t_fr.
Defaults to "t_nuc". Also accepting t_nucleation, T_nucleation
and t_solidification.
kind (str, optional): Any sns.catplot 'kind' input is allowed.
Defaults to "box".
# enable this plot only for Nrep > 1
if self.Nrep <= 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
"This plot is only available for multiple simulations. "
+ "Run with Nrep > 1."
# plot settings
"axes.axisbelow": True,
"xtick.direction": "in",
"ytick.direction": "in",
"xtick.bottom": True,
"xtick.top": True,
"ytick.left": True,
"ytick.right": True,
# align the names with Snowfall and Snowflake
if what == "t_nucleation":
what = "t_nuc"
elif what == "T_nucleation":
what = "T_nuc"
elif what == "t_solidification":
what = "t_sol"
# get data
self._statsMultiple_df = self.results
# plot different nucleation temperatures for spatial models
if (self.const["dimensionality"] != "homogeneous") & (what == "T_nuc"):
self._data_df_Tnuc = self._statsMultiple_df[
["T_nuc_min", "T_nuc_kin", "T_nuc_mean", "T_nuc_max"]
sns.catplot(data=self._data_df_Tnuc, kind=kind)
# in other cases, just plot the desired quantity
sns.catplot(data=self._statsMultiple_df, x=what, kind=kind)
# plot the temperature evolution
def _plot_temperature_evolution(self):
# temperature evolution plot
# plot nucleation time and equilibrum temperature
[self._stats["t_nuc"] / 60, self._stats["t_nuc"] / 60],
[self._shelfTemp.min() - 5, self._shelfTemp.max() + 5],
label="$t = t^{nuc}$",
# plot time of frozen product
if self._stats["t_fr"] is not None:
[self._stats["t_fr"] / 60, self._stats["t_fr"] / 60],
[self._shelfTemp.min() - 5, self._shelfTemp.max() + 5],
label="$t = t^{fr}$",
[-0.05 * self._time.max(), 1.05 * self._time.max()],
[self._prop[0] - 273.15, self._prop[0] - 273.15],
label="$T = T^{eq}_{l}$",
# plot shelf temperature evolution
plt.plot(self._time, self._shelfTemp, "b-", linewidth=2.5, label="shelf T")
if self.const["dimensionality"] == "homogeneous":
# plot temperature evolution for homogeneous model
plt.plot(self._time, self._temp, "k-", linewidth=2.5, label="product T")
# access legend objects automatically created from data
handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
# plot product temperature evolution for 1D case
if self.const["dimensionality"] == "spatial_1D":
# colors
colors, my_cmap, norm = Utils.colormap(self._domain)
# plot temperature evolution for different vertical positions
for i in range(0, len(self._domain), round(len(self._domain) / 11)):
plt.plot(self._time, self._temp[:, i], color=colors[i], linewidth=2.5)
# colorbar
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cmap, norm=norm)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=plt.gca(), aspect=35)
cbar.set_label("dimensionless vertical position, z/H [-]", rotation=90)
# add colormap to the legend entries
cmaps_gradients = my_cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 30))
# combine patches into a list and add to the handles and labels
cmap_patches = [
patches.Patch(facecolor=c, edgecolor=c) for c in cmaps_gradients
labels.append("product T")
# plot product temperature evolution for 2D case
elif self.const["dimensionality"] == "spatial_2D":
# colors
colors, my_cmap, norm = Utils.colormap(self._domain[0])
# plot temperature evolution for different vertical positions
for i in range(0, len(self._domain[0]), round(len(self._domain[0]) / 11)):
self._time, self._temp[:, i, -1], color=colors[i], linewidth=2.5
# colorbar
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cmap, norm=norm)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=plt.gca(), aspect=35)
"dimensionless vertical position (at r = 0), z/H [-]", rotation=90
# add colormap to the legend entries
cmaps_gradients = my_cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 30))
# combine patches into a list and add to the handles and labels
cmap_patches = [
patches.Patch(facecolor=c, edgecolor=c) for c in cmaps_gradients
labels.append("product T")
# plot labels and attributes
plt.xlabel("process time, $t$ [h]")
plt.ylabel("temperature, $T$ [°C]", labelpad=8)
plt.grid(axis="both", color="lightgray", linestyle="solid")
plt.xlim(-0.05 * self._time.max(), 1.05 * self._time.max())
plt.ylim(self._shelfTemp.min() - 5, self._shelfTemp.max() + 5)
plt.title("Product temperature evolution")
handler_map={list: HandlerTuple(ndivide=None, pad=0)},
# plot ice mass fraction evolution
def _plot_ice_mass_fraction_evolution(self):
# ice mass fraction plot
# plot lines for nucleation time and maximum ice mass fraction
[self._stats["t_nuc"] / 60, self._stats["t_nuc"] / 60],
[-0.05, 1.05],
label="$t = t^{nuc}$",
# plot time of frozen product
if self._stats["t_fr"] is not None:
[self._stats["t_fr"] / 60, self._stats["t_fr"] / 60],
[-0.05, 1.05],
label="$t = t^{fr}$",
[-0.05 * self._time.max(), 1.05 * self._time.max()],
[1 - self._prop[1], 1 - self._prop[1]],
label="$w_{i} = 1 - w_{s}$",
if self.const["dimensionality"] == "homogeneous":
# plot temperature evolution for homogeneous model
label="product $w_{i}$",
# access legend objects automatically created from data
handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
# plot product temperature evolution for 1D case
if self.const["dimensionality"] == "spatial_1D":
# colors
colors, my_cmap, norm = Utils.colormap(self._domain)
# colorbar
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cmap, norm=norm)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=plt.gca(), aspect=35)
cbar.set_label("dimensionless vertical position, z/H [-]", rotation=90)
# plot temperature evolution for different vertical positions
for i in range(0, len(self._domain), round(len(self._domain) / 11)):
self._iceMassFraction[:, i],
# add colormap to the legend entries
cmaps_gradients = my_cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 30))
# combine patches into a list and add to the handles and labels
cmap_patches = [
patches.Patch(facecolor=c, edgecolor=c) for c in cmaps_gradients
labels.append("product $w_{i}$")
# plot product temperature evolution for 2D case
elif self.const["dimensionality"] == "spatial_2D":
# colors
colors, my_cmap, norm = Utils.colormap(self._domain[0])
# colorbar
sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=my_cmap, norm=norm)
cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=plt.gca(), aspect=35)
"dimensionless vertical position (at r = 0), z/H [-]", rotation=90
# plot temperature evolution for different vertical positions
for i in range(0, len(self._domain[0]), round(len(self._domain[0]) / 11)):
self._iceMassFraction[:, i, -1],
# add colormap to the legend entries
cmaps_gradients = my_cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 30))
# combine patches into a list and add to the handles and labels
cmap_patches = [
patches.Patch(facecolor=c, edgecolor=c) for c in cmaps_gradients
labels.append("product $w_{i}$")
# plot labels and attributes
plt.xlabel("process time, $t$ [h]")
plt.ylabel("ice mass fraction, $w_i$ [-]")
plt.grid(axis="both", color="lightgray", linestyle="solid")
plt.xlim(-0.05 * self._time.max(), 1.05 * self._time.max())
plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
plt.title("Ice mass fraction evolution")
handler_map={list: HandlerTuple(ndivide=None, pad=0)},
# plot evolution function
[docs] def plot_evolution(self, what: str = "temperature"):
"""Function to plot the spatial evolution of temperature or ice mass fractions.
what (str, optional): Quantity to be plotted. Defaults to "temperature".
NotImplementedError: This plotting functionality is only implemented for single simulations (when Nrep = 1), otherwise, an error is raised.
ValueError: Raises error if quantity for plotting is incorrectly specified.
# plot settings
"axes.axisbelow": True,
"xtick.direction": "in",
"ytick.direction": "in",
"xtick.bottom": True,
"xtick.top": True,
"ytick.left": True,
"ytick.right": True,
if self.Nrep > 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
"This plot only available for single simulations. "
+ "Run with Nrep = 1."
if what == "temperature":
elif what == "ice_mass_fraction":
raise ValueError(
'Property to plot incorrectly specified. Use "temperature" or "ice_mass_fraction" instead.'
# repr function
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return string representation of the Snowing class.
str: The Snowing class string representation giving some basic info.
return (
f"Snowing([{self.Nrep} Snowing{'s' if self.Nrep > 1 else ''}, "
+ f"dimensionality: {self.const['dimensionality']}, "
+ f"configuration: {self.const['configuration']}])"